Council Members to Introduce Legislation to Prevent Deals Like Amazon HQ2

Following the announcement of New York City’s selection for Amazon HQ2, council members move forward with legislation to bring transparency to business deals. On November 30, 2018, Council Members Jumaane D. Williams, Brad Lander, and Jimmy Van Bramer announced their plan to introduce legislation aimed at preventing City officials from signing non-disclosure agreements, or NDAs, with corporations doing business with the City. The legislation is a response to deals similar to the Amazon HQ2 where … <Read More>

New Legislation Leads to SCA Disclosing Methods for New School Buildings

City Council’s new legislation seeks to combat overcrowded New York City Schools through new efficient methods in choosing new school building projects. On September 12, 2018, the City Council announced it will require the School Construction Authority to disclose how it evaluates the location and time frame of new schools being built. City Council Member Ben Kallos authored the measure, Introduction 729, in response to overcrowding in New York City public elementary and middle schools … <Read More>

Mayor Signs Legislation To Extend Rent-Stabilization Laws

Due to City’s low vacancy rate, rent stabilization laws have been extended. On March 27, 2018, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed legislation to extend rent regulation laws for the next three years. The laws will remain in effect until April 1, 2021. State rent stabilization laws continue to be effective when the vacancy rate is below 5%. The City’s vacancy rates are determined and measured by the Housing and Vacancy Survey, which is conducted every … <Read More>

Schneiderman Announces New Legislation to Criminalize Tenant Harassment

Attorney General Schneiderman announces new legislation to crack down on rent regulated tenant harassment. On May 24, 2017, New York State Attorney General Eric. T. Schneiderman introduced the Tenant Protection Act of 2017. The new legislation is aimed at providing a criminal crack down landlords who harass their tenants. The legislation will be sponsored by Senator Liz Krueger and Assembly Member Joseph Lentol, and is another step in the Attorney General’s work regarding this topic.

Illegal Conversion Legislation Considered [UPDATE: City Council Passes Bill]

UPDATE: On May 10, 2017, the City Council voted 49-0 approve the new legislation. The new law, sponsored by Council Members Vincent Gentile and Jumaane Williams, increases the minimum civil penalty for immediate hazardous illegal conversions to $15,000 fine for each dwelling unit beyond the number that are legally authorized. The legislation was proposed after a two-alarm fire in an illegally converted unit in East Flatbush, Brooklyn killed one person, injured five more, and … <Read More>

Committee Hears Testimony from DOB on 21 Pieces of Construction Safety Legislation

Housing Committee hears testimony on 21 pieces of legislation to address 30 deaths at construction sites in past two years, including requiring apprenticeship training citywide. On January 31, 2017, the City Council’s Committee on Housing and Buildings heard testimony on a large package of bills concerning construction safety in New York City. Chair Jumaane Williams began the eight-hour long hearing by reading the names of the 30 workers that lost their lives in construction accidents … <Read More>