Controversial 16-story building and garage addition heard

Commissioners and preservationists call for revisions to development. On August 5, 2008, Landmarks heard testimony on a proposal to build a three-story addition to a 1926 garage at 21-25 West 20th Street, and a new 16-story building at 19 West 20th Street in the Ladies’ Mile Historic District. The plan calls for the garage’s parking use to be retained, with a three-story residential addition. The new 16-story residential building would replace an existing parking lot.… <Read More>

Additional space for the Whitney Museum approved

Downtown satellite would anchor southern end of High Line. On August 11, 2008, the City Planning Commission approved the Whitney Museum’s plan to build a six-story, 175,000-sq.ft. building at 555 West Street in the West Village of Manhattan. The proposal includes 50,000 sq.ft. for new indoor exhibits, 97,400 sq.ft. for museum support facilities, and 27,600 sq.ft. for a maintenance and operational facility at the southern terminus of the High Line elevated park. The site is … <Read More>

Variance granted for 11-story mixed-use building

Increased costs justified variance for mid-block site along Broadway. B & E 813 Broadway LLC applied to BSA for a variance to construct an 11- story mixed-use building on Broadway between East 11th and East 12th Streets. The 5,069-square-foot development site consists of two merged lots containing smaller two- and four-story buildings which the developer would demolish to make way for the new 129-foot tall building. The proposed development would exceed floor area, height, setback … <Read More>

Commission OKs 63-story Lexington Ave. tower

Lord Norman Foster-designed 63-story tower at 610 Lexington would use air rights from Seagram Plaza. Image: Foster + Partners.

Transfer of air rights from landmarked Seagram Building facilitates construction. On July 2, 2008, the City Planning Commission approved the special permit and zoning text amendment proposed by developer Aby Rosen, allowing his 63-story project at 610 Lexington to proceed to City Council for a vote. The proposed mixed-use building on the southwest corner of … <Read More>

Accessory parking requirement waived

Developer claimed structural limitations made off-street parking economically infeasible. POKO Partners LLC, a property manager and developer of low-income housing, planned to convert a 50,000sq.ft. vacant theater at 1501 Pitkin Avenue in Brooklyn into a seven-story mixed-use development with two floors of retail, commercial, and community facility space and five floors of residential use. If the 66-unit building were constructed as proposed, 33 off-street parking spaces would be required. POKO sought a variance from the … <Read More>

SoHo Alliance loses appeal to stop Trump SoHo

BSA allows construction of the controversial hotel to go forward. In September 2007, the New York City Department of Buildings approved plans for the 42-story Trump SoHo condominium hotel, to be located at 246 Spring Street between Varick Street and Sixth Avenue. Because there is a general prohibition against residential developments in the area with the exception of transient hotels, Buildings’ approval required the developers to file a restriction against the property that would prohibit … <Read More>