Proposal for Whitney Museum block considered

Landmarks requested developer consider reducing proposal impacting buildings adjacent to the Whitney Museum. On October 18, 2011, Landmarks considered Daniel E. Straus’s proposal to alter and redevelop eight buildings adjacent to the Whitney Museum along Madison Avenue and East 74th Street in the Upper East Side Historic District. The site includes six rowhouses at 933 to 943 Madison Avenue and two townhouses at 31 and 33 East 74th Street. Straus purchased the buildings from the … <Read More>

Rezoning for Flushing mixed-use project approved

Mark Solow’s proposed seven-story mixed-use development at 135-05 Northern Boulevard in Flushing, Queens. Image: Courtesy of Anthony Morali Architect PLLC.

Owner would replace Northern Boulevard auto-parts store with seven-story mixed-use development. On May 25, 2011, the City Planning Commission approved Mark Solow’s proposal to facilitate the construction of a 52,570 sq.ft. mixed-use development at 135-05 Northern Boulevard in Flushing, Queens. The proposal would rezone three lots currently occupied by Solow’s Crown Auto Parts store at … <Read More>

Attorney Carol E. Rosenthal Discusses Development in the City

Land use attorney Carol E. Rosenthal is able to combine her appreciation of architecture, government, and law all in a day’s work as a partner at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP. After contemplating a major in art, Rosenthal graduated from Brandeis University with a degree in political science. She then earned her law degree from New York University School of Law and began her legal career as a clerk for the United States … <Read More>



What is CityLand?

CityLand began in 2004 as a monthly newsletter. CityLand provides in-depth coverage of land use applications undergoing public review in New York City. We focus on the major players, including the City Council, City Planning Commission, Board of Standards & Appeals, and Landmarks Preservation Commission, and report on related legal challenges. Our articles highlight the most newsworthy actions, and include relevant public testimony, comments from elected officials and commissioners, and other … <Read More>

Rezoning of 25 blocks in North Tribeca moves forward

Proposal would establish new height and bulk regulations in northern portion of Special Tribeca Mixed Use District. On September 15, 2010, the City Planning Commission approved the Department of City Planning’s North Tribeca Rezoning proposal. The 25-block rezoning area is generally bounded by Canal Street to the north, Walker and Hubert Streets to the south, Broadway to the east, and West Street to the west. The plan would impact the Special Tribeca Mixed Use … <Read More>

Bluestone-clad, eight-story building approved

In 2008 Landmarks approved for the same NoHo site a similarly sized building that was to be clad in limestone. On May 11, 2010, Landmarks approved DDG Partners’ revised proposal to build an eight-story residential building at 41 Bond Street in Manhattan’s NoHo Historic District Extension. In 2008 and 2009, the lot’s former owner had obtained a certificate of appropriateness from Landmarks and a use variance from the Board of Standards & Appeals in … <Read More>