Variances Amended To Permit Transfer of Development Rights

BSA found development value of subject lots could not be previously realized.  On December 16, 2014 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant the applicants, West 29th Street Owner’s Corp. and The Flower House Condominium, an amendment of previously existing variances on two lots.  The amendment is required to merge the lots into one zoning lot and transfer their development rights to an as-of-right hotel in development on an adjacent site.  The subject … <Read More>

Council Subcommittee Approves Expansion of the Special West Chelsea District [UPDATE: City Council Approves Expansion]

Proposal extends Special District bulk regulations and clarifies language in the zoning text.  On January 13, 2015 the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises voted to approve the expansion of the Special West Chelsea District. The proposal was designed by the Department of City Planning and Manhattan Community Board 4 to expand the district by one partial block between West 15th Street to the north, West 14th Street to the south, 9th Avenue to … <Read More>

Waivers Granted to Convert Manufacturing Building to Storage Facility

BSA found no reasonable return with a conforming use of the property.  On December 9, 2014 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant the applicant, 290 Dyckman Properties, LLC, three waivers to allow conversion of a former manufacturing building into a self-storage facility.  The building is located at 290 Dyckman Street in Inwood, Manhattan, at the corner of Dyckman Street and Henshaw Street.  The building is two stories covering a lot area of … <Read More>

Variances Granted For Church-Owned Mixed-Use Facility

Board granted the variances despite divided community support. On September 23, 2014, the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant five variances to St. Albans Presbyterian Church for the construction of a five-story mixed-use facility at 118-27 Farmers Boulevard. The development site is located in St. Albans, Queens, and bounded by Farmers Boulevard to the west, 119th Avenue to the south, 189th Street to the east, and 118th Avenue to the north. The facility … <Read More>

Landmarks Names New Executive Director

The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) has named Sarah Carroll as its new Executive Director. As Executive Director, Carroll will oversee LPC’s research and preservation divisions and manage the Commission’s budget, operations, technology, staffing, communications, and public outreach. She will serve as primary advisor to the Chair in developing and implementing agency policies and strategic plans.

Astoria Cove Developers Testify Before City Council

Council Members questioned the developers on the project’s affordability and use of union labor. On October 20, 2014 the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises held a public hearing on the proposed Astoria Cove development project. The project, which would create a new mixed-use development of 1,700 apartments, commercial space, a school, a supermarket, and parks, was approved by the City Planning Commission over opposition by both Queens Community Board 1 and Queens Borough <Read More>