Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Program Sent to Community Boards for Public Review

The program would be the strongest inclusionary housing requirement in the nation.  On September 18, 2015, the City Planning Commission initiated public review of the Department of City Planning’s application for the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing program, which is one of the major programs to be implemented under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Housing New York plan.  The Mandatory Inclusionary Housing program would require, rather than incentivize, residential developers to reserve a portion of newly-created housing units … <Read More>

CPC Approves Modifications to New York Wheel

The changes include a larger parking facility with rooftop open space and a reduction in the size of the Wheel’s terminal building.  On October 7, 2015, the City Planning Commission approved changes to the construction plan for the New York Wheel, which will be the largest Ferris Wheel in the Western Hemisphere.  The New York Wheel will be built on a City-owned plot of land that is located a half-mile from the Staten Island … <Read More>

CityLaw Profile – City Council Zoning Chair Donovan Richards on Improving Sustainability

Donovan Richards was elected to the City Council from the 31st District in February 2013.  When you speak with City Council member Donovan Richards, two things become readily apparent:  an encyclopedic knowledge of the needs of his Southeast Queens Council district and the drive to pursue solutions for each of those needs simultaneously.

BSA Renews Construction Permit in Rezoned Area

Board recognized a vested right to continue construction.  On June 16, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to extend a construction permit to the applicant, 180 Orchard LLC, for a twenty-four story mixed commercial- and community-use building at 180 Orchard Street in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.  The building will contain retail on the cellar and ground floors, community space on the mezzanine and second floors, and hotel use through the remaining … <Read More>

Council Amends Zoning Text to Accelerate Sandy Recovery

Amendment streamlines process for reconstruction, elevation of homes.  On July 23, 2015 the City Council approved an amendment to the zoning text relating to homes in areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy.  The amendment is designed to remove complications faced by 2,000 owners of one- and two-family homes in Staten Island, Southern Queens, and Southern Brooklyn who have been working to rebuild and elevate their homes in the event of another flood, while lowering the cost … <Read More>

Garodnick Addresses Phase Two of East Midtown Rezoning

The Councilmember spoke to early details of what’s next after the Vanderbilt Corridor.  On July 16, 2015 City Councilmember Daniel Garodnick delivered the keynote address at the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce’s panel discussion on the East Midtown Rezoning.  (See CityLand’s complete video of the event here.)