Early Voting in the Crosshairs, But Program Remains Popular with Voters


Election administrators and policymakers are weighing various changes to New York’s nine-day early voting program, some of which may curtail access if enacted. 

By Jarret Berg

More than 2.98 million New Yorkers voted early in the 2024 General Election, excluding mail-in ballots. That’s an increase of 20% (or more than 477,000 voters), compared to the 2.51 million New Yorkers who turned out during the 2020 early voting period. In 2024, the vast majority <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 2/3/25


By Jeff Wice, Jarret Berg & Alexis Marking

This week: NYS Voting Rights Act Upheld by Appellate Division, Legislature May Change Election Calendar, State Budget Hearings Focus on Elections, Access to Voting Proposal, Census Bureau Director Resigns, Lutnick Promises a Complete 2030 Count; ACS Conference Recording Link Available, Around the Nation: Illinois, North Carolina, Utah


New York Appellate Division Reverses Lower Court Decision, Upholds New York Voting Rights Act <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update – Week of 12/30/24



By Jeff Wice & Alexis Marking

This week- Nassau County Seeks to Move Redistricting Case to Federal Court; Nassau Attorney Claims State Judge Wants Cases Settled; Middle East-North African State Demographics Bill Becomes Law; N.Y. Automatic Voter Registration Start Delayed: Register Now for January 28th Census Conference


Nassau County Legislature: Coads et al. v. Nassau County & NY Communities for Change (NYCC) v. Nassau County

On … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 12/09/24


By Jeff Wice, Alexis Marking & Jennifer Hutz.

This week- Onondaga County Legislature Has a New Map, Nassau County Loses Motion to Dismiss Redistricting Challenge,  New Report on Urban Voter Turnout, Let Non-Profits Assist in LUCAREDISTRICTING

Onondaga County Legislature Finally Has a New Map

After prolonged litigation, the Onondaga County Legislature approved a new map on a party line vote last week. Previously, a state supreme court judge held that the county failed … <Read More>

Q&A: Mayor Eric Adams’ Indictment and NYC Campaign Finance Matters

On September 26, 2024, Mayor Eric Adams was indicted on five federal charges including bribery, conspiracy, and campaign finance offenses. To better understand the context of the alleged campaign finance-related crimes, New York Law School’s Center for New York City and State Law offers the following Q-and-A between Ben Max, the Center’s executive editor, and Amy Loprest, a Senior Fellow at the Center and the former longtime Executive Director of the New York City Campaign <Read More>