Central Park building to be refurbished

Work will give Rumsey Summer Stage Support Building a new roof, windows and interior. Landmarks issued a binding report approving the design for roof and window replacements to improve the Rumsey Summer Stage Support Building in Central Park, a scenic landmark. The work will improve the building’s appearance and help protect it from further disrepair.

The one-story building was constructed in 1936-1937 in the Rumsey Playfield, located near the East Drive and 72nd Street. Originally … <Read More>

Addition approved for Fifth Avenue Museum

Two-story addition to be constructed in museum courtyard. Landmarks issued a binding report approving a two-story addition and access ramp to be constructed at the Museum of the City of New York. The Museum, a designated landmark located at 1220 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, was designed by Joseph Freedlander and built between 1929-1930 in a Late-Georgian style.

In its application, the Museum proposed to construct a glass-walled, two-story addition in its south courtyard. The addition … <Read More>

Riverside Park to get pathways

LPC approves pathways in Riverside Park to improve access to Firefighters Memorial. See full coverage, pg.171. Photo Kevin E. Schultz.

Work will make Firefighter Memorial accessible via paved curvilinear pathways. Landmarks issued a binding report approving the design for new pathways at Riverside Park, a scenic landmark built in 1873-1875, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, and located between West 99th Street and West 101st Street in Manhattan.

In the Landmarks application, the Parks Department proposed … <Read More>

Public Library entrance plaza to be redesigned

Landmarks approved the proposal, finding that the access changes were well integrated into the building’s design, thus eliminating any discernable impact on the perception of the building from the street. The geometric paving, due to its simple repetitive pattern, would be in the spirit of the original plaza design. Landmarks, noting that the kiosk’s footprint aligns with the pattern of the plaza paving and that the water feature, when off, blends with the material of … <Read More>

Lion House to get $18.9 million face lift

Work will restore features removed since i ts 1899-1910 construction. Landmarks issued a binding report approving an $18.9 million renovation of the Lion House at the Bronx Zoo, a designated City landmark since 2000, which was built in 1899-1910 and designed by Heins & La Farge.

The Department of Design & Construction proposed substantial repair work, including restoration of the carved terra cotta, copper roofing, limestone and brick masonry and existing parapets. To return the … <Read More>

Elevator at Grant’s Tomb Pavilion Approved

Under threat of funding loss, Landmarks gives approval for elevator in Grant’s Tomb Pavilion. The Landmarks Preservation Commission approved the design for an elevator installation at Grant’s Tomb Pavilion, a City individual landmark. The National Park Service sought a certificate of appropriateness for the addition of a glass-walled elevator on the pavilion’s north side. The tomb, including the pavilion, is currently one of the few federal landmarks without restrooms or a visitor center. The … <Read More>