DCP Upgrades Important Community Board Budget Request Tool for District Needs

New and improved online platform will help Community Boards advocate for public priorities. On August 26, 2019, Department of City Planning (DCP) Director Marisa Lago announced a new and improved online platform which will help Community Boards advocate for public priorities more easily. The new, user-friendly digital platform will allow Community Boards to formally submit their annual needs and budget requests to the City with easier access to relevant City data to assist with … <Read More>

Public Hearing Held on Bay Ridge’s First Historic District

Due to its high degree of integrity, the block still looks much like it did 100 years ago and still houses medical professionals. On May 14, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing on the proposed designation of “Bay Ridge Parkway – Doctor’s Row Historic District” in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. The proposed historic district would be Bay Ridge’s first, comprised of 54 century-old rowhouses located on the same block of Bay Street, between … <Read More>

Landmarks Holds Hearing on Four Proposed Historic Districts in Sunset Park

On May 7, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing on the proposed landmark designation of four historic districts in Sunset Park, Brooklyn: Sunset Park North, Sunset Park South, Sunset Park 50th Street, and Central Sunset Park. The four proposed districts encompass blocks that were found to be the most cohesive and intact concentrations of Sunset Park’s architecture, representative of its primary periods of development. If approved, designation would provide Landmark protection … <Read More>

Landmarks Calendars Bay Ridge’s First Historic District

Historic district designation would ensure protections for the largely intact, over 100 year-old, block of limestone row houses.  On  March 26, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted unanimously to calendar a proposed historic district in the Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn. The Bay Ridge Parkway – Doctor’s Row Historic District would be comprised of 54 row houses built in the early 1900s on Bay Ridge Parkway between 4th and 5th avenues. Constructed in … <Read More>

Landmarks Calendars Four Sunset Park Historic Districts

Landmarks research staff spent several years researching the area, surveying and documenting over 4,000 buildings. On January 22, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission unanimously voted to add to its calendar four areas of Sunset Park, Brooklyn for historic district designation. The proposals were presented to the Commission following years of extensive survey and analysis by the Landmarks research staff after a request for evaluation of the area from Sunset Park’s Landmarks Committee in 2014. The … <Read More>

Mayor’s Office of Special Enforcement Brings Lawsuit Over Illegal Short-Term Rental Operation

The lawsuit claims that at least 130 apartments were converted into illegal short-term rentals. On January 14, 2019, the Mayor’s Office of Special Enforcement announced that it filed a lawsuit against several defendants for converting apartments in 35 residential buildings into illegal short-term rentals through websites like Airbnb. The defendants include Metropolitan Property Group (MPG), five current or former MPG employees and 18 associated corporate entities. The lawsuit was filed on January 14, 2019, in … <Read More>