Complete Video from the 118th CityLaw Breakfast with Preet Bharara

On Friday, January 23, 2015, the Center for New York City Law at New York Law School hosted a City Law Breakfast featuring Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, as the guest speaker.  The special sponsors for this CityLaw Breakfast were Guidepost Solutions, LLC and Kostelanetz & Fink LLP.

Self-Storage Zoning Text Amendment Considered by 27 Community Boards and Four Borough Presidents

Process underway for a zoning text amendment to require a City Planning Commission Special Permit for new self-storage facilities within the City’s industrial business zones. In May 2017, the City Planning Commission sent out for consideration, as part of the ULURP process, a proposed zoning text amendment to limit the proliferation of self-storage in Industrial Business Zones. The amendment is currently being considered by the 27 Community Boards that would be affected by the amendment.

Planning Commission Approves Broader Retail Use in Ground Floor on Greene Street

The City Planning Commission approved the conversion of a Greene Street ground floor into retail space. On June 21, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on an application from 62 Greene Owners Corporation, owner of 62 Greene Street in Manhattan’s SoHo Cast-Iron Historic District. The application sought a special permit to modify use regulations of Section 42-14(D)(2)(a) of the Zoning Resolution to allow retail uses on portions of the ground floor and … <Read More>

Court of Appeals Blocks Willets Point Development

Legislative approval would be needed in order to build retail stores, restaurants and a movie theater on Willets West parkland. The Special Willets Point District was approved by the City Council in 2008. The rezoning was controversial; area businesses and residents were concerned over the relocation of businesses, the possibility of eminent domain, and traffic congestion. As a result, a lawsuit was filed against the City by business owners and residents but was dismissed … <Read More>

CityLaw Profile: Frederick Schaffer, Chair of the Campaign Finance Board

In February 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Frederick Schaffer as the Chair of the City’s Campaign Finance Board. The Board, which will be thirty years old next year, is responsible for enforcing New York City’s campaign finance law, monitoring campaign contributions and disclosures, overseeing the public matching funds program and enforcing the rules. Schaffer takes the reigns as the Board heads into the 2017 mayoral campaign.

Schaffer was born and raised in Brooklyn. One … <Read More>

Council Members Critical of Proposed Amendment in Little Italy for Larger Retail Use

An amendment to expand ground floor retail use received harsh criticism from Council Members, tenants, and the community board. On May 30, 2017, the City Council’s Subcommittee heard testimony on an application to expand the Special Little Italy District to abolish rear yards to expand retail use. The applicant, JBAM TRG Spring LLC, proposed to build a one-story addition to the rear yards of 55-57 Spring Street—eliminating empty ground floor residential units—to create an expanded … <Read More>