Mayor Urges Emissions Reductions for Existing Buildings

Mayor Bill de Blasio calls for emissions reductions by mandating improvements to existing buildings. On June 2, 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Executive Order No. 26, Climate Action Executive Order, to commit New York City to the principles and goals of the Paris Agreement. On September 14, 2017, the Office of the Mayor announced new mandates on building upgrades to implement the executive order. According to the Mayor’s press release, these mandates … <Read More>

CPC Approves South Avenue Retail Development

City Planning approved a special permit and City Map amendment to allow for the development of 5 one-story retail establishments in Mariner’s Harbor, Staten Island. On September 6, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on the South Avenue Retail Development. The South Avenue Retail Development involves 2 land use actions: a special permit to allow retail establishments above 10,000 square feet, and a City Map amendment to alter and remove unbuilt streets … <Read More>

City Planning Approves Bronx Waterfront Rezoning That Could Create Over 1,000 New Residential Units

The City Planning Commission approves the rezoning of five-acres on the waterfront of the Harlem River. On August 23, 2017, the City Planning Commission approved an application by the New York City Economic Development Corporation to establish a Special Harlem River Waterfront Subdistrict for future development in the Bronx. The application included the sale of city-owned property to the Development Corporation, a zoning map and text amendment, and a special permit to reduce parking requirements.

City Council Approves Downtown Far Rockaway Rezoning

City Council approved a 22-block rezoning of Downtown Far Rockaway, Queens. On September 7, 2017, the City Council approved a large-scale rezoning and development plan for Downtown Far Rockaway by a vote of 46-0. The resolutions will create a Special Downtown Far Rockaway district, a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing area, and an Urban Renewal Area. $288 million has been secured to grant amenities this community has been requesting for over 40 years.

City Council Approves SoHo Residential Conversion

The residential conversion project includes the restoration of cast-iron building in SoHo Cast-Iron Historic District. On September 7, 2017, the City Council voted 45-0 to approve an application for a special permit to allow residential and retail uses at 40 Wooster Street in Manhattan’s SoHo neighborhood. The applicant, 40 Wooster Street Restoration LLC which is a subsidiary of the Northwind Group, sought the special permit to allow for residential and retail uses in what was … <Read More>

Council Members Raise Concerns of Climate Change and Government Takings at East Shore Rezoning Hearing

The proposed rezoning is intended to address high flood vulnerabilities on the East Shore by limiting future developments to low density buildings.  On September 5, 2017, the City Council’s Subcommittee held a hearing and voted 4-0 to approve the City Planning Department’s application to create a special zoning district on the coastal areas of Staten Island. The zoning map amendment and zoning text amendments would cover portions of the Oakwood Beach, Graham Beach, and Ocean … <Read More>