City Planning action affects 1,000 acres in Staten island


Prince’s Bay Rezoning locator map used with permission of the New York City Department of City Planning. All rights reserved.

Council Member Lanza and City Planning push forward Prince’s Bay down-zoning. On October 11, 2006, the Planning Commission approved a proposal to down-zone an 172-acre portion of Prince’s Bay, Staten Island and to adopt text amendments to restrict future development on an additional 830 acres. Council Member Andrew Lanza withdrew his original rezoning application … <Read More>

Stapleton Homeport redevelopment plan approved

The future of the Stapleton Homeport. Image used with permission of the NYC EDC and the NYC IDA. All rights reserved.

Site includes former United States Navy base. On October 25, 2006, the City Council approved the comprehensive redevelopment plan for Staten Island’s Homeport, the 35-acre former United States Navy base located in Stapleton and owned by the City since 1995.

City Planning and the New York City Economic Development Corporation proposed five linked applications, … <Read More>

South Brooklyn rezonings approved by City Planning

Amendment designed to protect existing character while allowing for appropriate development. The Planning Commission approved the rezoning of Sheepshead Bay and Homecrest, Brooklyn in an effort to preserve the existing character of both neighborhoods and curb out-of- character development.

affected included portions of eight blocks bounded by East 27th Street, Emmons Avenue, Shore Parkway, and Ford Street. Currently, the area consists of mostly one-and twofamily detached and semi-detached homes as well as a few rowhouses. … <Read More>

City increases zoning protection for Bay Ridge

New zoning designed to protect Bay Ridge from high-density development. On March 23, 2005, the City Council approved the Planning Department’s rezoning plan for a 249-block area within Brooklyn’s Special Bay Ridge District, bounded by 65th Street to the north, Seventh Avenue to the east and Shore Road to the south and west. In 1978, after neighborhood residents protested the development of three large residential buildings, the twin 30-story Bay Ridge Towers and the 13-story … <Read More>

Robert S. Tucker Appointed FDNY Commissioner

On August 12, 2024, Mayor Eric Adams announced the appointment of Robert S. Tucker, Esq as the Commissioner of the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY). Tucker, who has been with the Fire Department since 1985, has served as secretary of the Fire Department of the City of New York Foundation, is an honorary fire commissioner of the City of New York.