Modified Rezoning to Bring New Mixed-Use Building to Crown Heights

City Planning modified the proposed rezoning so the development would better conform with the vision for the neighborhood, which is currently undergoing a land use study. On May 2, 2019, the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises voted to approve an application for a rezoning that will facilitate the development of a new nine-story, mixed-use building in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn. The applicant initially sought to rezone an area comprised of approximately … <Read More>

Major Staten Island Project OK’d by City Planning Despite Significant Opposition; City Council Up Next

The proposed zoning actions were largely disapproved by the Community Board, the Borough President, and even Staten Island’s appointee to the City Planning Commission. The Department of City Planning, along with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development and the Department of Citywide Administrative Services filed an application requesting several ULURP actions to help implement the goals of the Bay Street Corridor Neighborhood Plan. The Neighborhood Plan is a comprehensive plan to … <Read More>

Coney Island Rezoning Fails Following Community Concerns

City Planning voted no in part to questions regarding alleged comments made by project attorney at Community Board hearing. On January 9, 2019, the City Planning Commission voted to disapprove a proposed rezoning of the northern portion of a block situated between Surf Avenue to the north, Reigelman Boardwalk to the south, West 22nd Street to the east, and West 23rd Street to the west, in Coney Island, Brooklyn. The rezoning would have … <Read More>

Proposed Development Would Bring MIH to Windsor Terrace

City Council member raises concerns about effects of rezoning on adjacent stables. On September 5, 2018, the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises held a hearing on an application by developer, 57 Caton Partners, LLC, to rezone 57 Caton Place in the Windsor Terrace neighborhood of Brooklyn. The developer is requesting a zoning map amendment and zoning text amendments to facilitate the development of a new nine-story, mixed-use building.

City Planning Approves National Black Theater Building in East Harlem

The National Black Theater is developing new performance space, retail space, and 240 residential units, including 72 affordable units, in East Harlem. On October 18, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on an application by NBT Victory Development LLC. The application for a zoning map amendment, a zoning text amendment, and a special permit to waive required parking will facilitate the development of a 20-story mixed-used building including housing, retail space, and … <Read More>

A Better Path for East Midtown

Early in January 2017 the City of New York began the official public approval process for a proposal to rezone East Midtown Manhattan. The proposal was based in part on a report by the East Midtown Steering Committee co-chaired by the Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and the District 4 Council Member Daniel Garodnick.

The new 2017 proposal is the third proposal for rezoning East Midtown. In 2013 the Bloomberg Administration proposed to rezone East … <Read More>