COMMENTARY: CityLaw Breakfasts Return to New York Law School

Here is welcome news. This Fall CityLaw Breakfasts will return to in-person breakfasts at the Events Center at New York Law School. Covid-19 compelled the Law School to go remote and the CityLaw Breakfasts followed into cyberspace. The Law School has in the interim rebuilt the sound and video systems in the large and comfortable Events Center on the second floor of the Law School. We will be back with in-person breakfasts this Fall.

City Commits $3.1 Million Over Four Years to Combat Source of Income Discrimination

On March 2, 2023, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development announced that$3.1 million will go towards efforts to combat source-of-income discrimination for New Yorkers who rely on rental assistance. Source-of-income discrimination is an illegal practice by landlords, owners, and real estate brokers who refuse to rent to current or prospective tenants seeking to pay for housing with vouchers, subsidies, or other public assistance.

City Planning Commission Discusses Zoning for Carbon Neutrality Amendment Ahead of Public Review Process

Commissioners raised early questions about implementation and funding issues. On January 30, 2023, the City Planning Commission held a review session and overview discussion for the proposed Zoning for Carbon Neutrality amendment, one of the three City of Yes amendments proposed by Mayor Eric Adams last year. The Zoning for Carbon Neutrality amendment aims to reduce or eliminate unnecessary restrictions within the zoning text that inhibit a developer or building owner from using sustainable technology <Read More>

City Connects 10,000 Households to Stable, Affordable Housing in Fiscal Year 2022

Mayor Adams announced several achievements over the last fiscal year in the multiagency effort to get New Yorkers into quality affordable homes. On September 15, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced that despite challenges like inflation, his administration connected nearly 10,000 families and individuals to stable, affordable homes in Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). As part of the Mayor’s Housing Blueprint, his administration ensured that housing investments prioritized the experiences of New Yorkers, and that key … <Read More>

City Revamps Composting Efforts Starting in Queens

Last month, Mayor Adams announced a new plan to bring automatic, weekly curbside organic waste collection to the entire borough of Queens. Residents can order free compost bins from the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY), and bins will automatically be sent to buildings with 10 or more residential units.