Refusal to issue school seating certification upheld

Staten Island residential developer denied certification. Salvatore Culotta wanted to build 12 dwelling units in six detached residences on property he owned in the Special South Richmond Development District, a special zoning district created by the City in 1977. Before applying to Buildings for a permit, however, Culotta was required to apply to City Planning for a certification that there was sufficient school capacity to accommodate the expected increase in school children. When Culotta filed … <Read More>

Draft EIS Adequate for Public Review

West siders sought to prevent public hearing on Hudson Yards Project. Hell’s Kitchen Neighborhood Association filed an article 78 petition to prevent the September 23, 2004 public hearing on the West Side’s No. 7 Subway extension and Hudson Yards rezoning and development project. The Association claimed that the Metropolitan Transit Authority and the Planning Commission, lead agencies for the required environmental review, had submitted an incomplete draft environmental impact statement and, as a result, prevented … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 02/24/25


By Jeff Wice, Alexis Marking & Michael Athy

This week: N.Y.C. Non-citizen Voting Appeal. N.Y.C. Submits Requests for VRA Preclearance, April 1 N.Y.C. Census 2030 Organizing Conference,  Pennsylvania Considers Redistricting Reform

Oral Arguments Heard in Fossella v. Adams: Challenging  

Non-Citizen Voting in N.Y.C Elections

On February 11th, the New York Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in Fossella v. Adams. The appeal was requested by the New York City Council, which approved Local … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 1/27/25



By Jeff Wice, Jarret Berg, Alexis Marking & Alexis Lanzilotti

This week: New Nassau County Legislative Map, More on the Census Citizenship Question, Assembly to Consier Voting Bills, Report On Hispanic Children in the Census, Around the Nation- North Carolina & Louisiana,  Register Now for January 28th Census Conference


Landmark Settlement in Coads et al. v. Nassau County & NY Communities for Change (NYCC) v. Nassau
<Read More>

The Ins and Outs of the Legislation Side of the New York State Budget Process

By Liz Fine

The new year. A time for celebrations, for resolutions – and in Albany, for the launch of the State budget process. Far more than in most states, a year’s worth of policy making will get crammed into several weeks of work and thousands of dense legislative and budget pages. 

I have had a long career in government. I worked in the White House, Congress, and as General Counsel to the New York <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 1/13/25


By Jeff Wice, Alexis Marking & Jarret Berg

This week: Oswego County Has a New Map, Walden Challenges Ban on Using “Independence,”  Senate Majority Announces Election Law Bill Package, Assemblywoman Simon Wants to Permit Water & Snacks on Poll Lines, RFK, Jr. Ballot Challenged, Jarret Berg Joins NY Law School Institute,  Register Now for January 28th Census Conference


Oswego County Legislature Approved New Map

The Oswego County Legislature approved a new redistricting … <Read More>