Two new members appointed to commission

Michael Goldblum and Michael Devonshire replaced Stephen Byrns and Roberta Brandes Gratz. Architect Michael Goldblum and architectural conservator Michael Devonshire have replaced Commissioners Stephen Byrns and Roberta Brandes Gratz on the Landmarks Preservation Commission. Byrns joined Landmarks in 2004 and is a founding partner of BKSK Architects LLP. Gratz joined Landmarks in 2003 and will continue to serve the City as a member of the Sustainable Advisory Board for PlaNYC.

The City Council … <Read More>

New Landmarks commissioner confirmed

Preservationist to replace Thomas Pike. On March 28, 2007, the City Council voted unanimously to approve the appointment of Diana Chapin to Landmarks. The Council also voted to approve the reappointments of Commissioners Pablo Vengoechea, Stephen Byrns, Joan Gerner, and Christopher Moore.

Diana Chapin, a member of the Municipal Art Society and the Landmarks Conservancy, is Executive Director of the Queens Library Foundation. She was a founding member of the Historic House Trust, a not-for-profit … <Read More>

Mayor appoints two new CPC members

Betty Chen and Nathan Leventhal approved. The City Council unanimously approved Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s appointment of two new commissioners to the Planning Commission, Betty Chen and Nathan Leventhal. The terms of the two new commissioners commenced on March 5, 2007.

Yale-trained architect Betty Chen worked several years as project architect for the New York firm Todd William Billie Tsen. Chen also taught architecture and art history. Chen currently serves as Vice President of Planning, Design … <Read More>

Manhattan Borough President Stringer Looks to Initiate Land Use Policy and Community Board Reform

Since taking office in January 2006, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer has set land use policy and community board reform as priorities.

Stringer hired Anthony Borelli as his Director of Land Use, Planning and Development. Before joining the Borough President’s office, Borelli studied urban planning at Columbia University and worked with the university’s Urban Technical Assistance Project, which provides urban planning consultation to distressed communities. Borelli then served as District Manager of Community Board 4 … <Read More>