BSA hears appeal challenging NYU dorm

Challenge to construction of this 26-story, East 12th Street NYU dorm heard by BSA. Photo:Morgan Kunz.

East Village residents opposed lot merger needed for construction of 26-story dormitory. On April 17, 2007, BSA held a contentious hearing on New York University’s 26- story dormitory, currently under construction on East 12th Street in the East Village. In September 2006, a court refused to halt construction while residents appealed the building permit to BSA. 3 CityLand 144 … <Read More>

FDNY order must be appealed to BSA

Owner appealed FDNY order during criminal proceeding for non-compliance. After inspecting Second Avenue Woodworking Corp., located at 4902 Second Avenue in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn, a fire inspector issued a violation ordering Woodworking to close and seal two out-of-service fuel storage tanks, and to provide the Fire Department with an affidavit certifying the system was closed and sealed. Woodworking sent a letter to the Department stating that the tanks had been removed by … <Read More>

BSA Rebuffs Appeal Over Domestic Abuse Shelter

Group claimed shelter violated use limitations. A community group appealed the City’s Department of Buildings’ issuance of a permit allowing alterations to a Brooklyn building to accommodate a domestic violence shelter. Prior to the appeal and after the issuance of the permit, several parties, including the community group, sought an injunction in state court to prevent the shelter from occupying the building and from performing the permitted work. The court dismissed the complaint, finding that … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 08/26/24



by Jeff Wice & Alexis Marking


Orange County Legislature to Hold Public Hearing Tomorrow

The Orange County Legislature will hear from the public tomorrow at a public hearing for comment on a draft county legislative map to be used beginning in the 2025 county legislative elections. The hearing will take place in the county legislature’s chambers at 255 Main Street in Goshen, NY starting at 5:00 PM. The hearing can be viewed … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 08/19/24



by Jeff Wice & Alexis Marking


Orange County Legislature Inches Forward With New Map

In what may be the final county legislative redistricting process in the state, the Orange County Legislature has approved one map to move forward to a public comment period before a public hearing is scheduled on Tuesday, August 27th at 5:00 PM.  After disagreeing for weeks on how to proceed, the legislature’s Rules Committee broke a logjam … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 08/12/24







by Jeff Wice & Alexis Marking


State Board of Elections Sued Over the Equal Rights Amendment’s Ballot Language

A new law enacted last year requires ballot language for voter referendum questions in New York State to be written in plain language at “no higher than an eighth-grade reading level.” The ballot language for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which was approved to appear on the November ballot, has … <Read More>