Variance Granted for Expansion of Private School

Variance was opposed by local community board, neighborhood groups.  On July 14, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant a variance to the applicant, Manhattan Country School, for enlarging its new building.  The school currently occupies a five-story townhouse on 7 East 96th Street in Manhattan’s Upper East Side and intends to relocate to a four-story building with three mezzanines on 150 West 85th Street in the Upper West Side.  The … <Read More>

Nonprofit’s Parking Facilities Ruled Subject to Property Tax

Court of Appeals reversed decision of Appellate Division recognizing a tax exemption.  In 2011, the Department of Finance revoked a property tax exemption granted for five public parking facilities owned by the nonprofit Greater Jamaica Development Corporation and its LLC, Jamaica First Parking.  The exemption, granted in 2007 pursuant to RPTL §420-a in recognition of Greater Jamaica’s mission to spur development and growth in the downtown Jamaica area, was revoked on the grounds that operating … <Read More>

BSA Permits Mixed-Use Building in Residential Zone

Board found the applicant had a vested right to complete construction of the building as designed.  On June 2, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to permit 250 Manhattan LLC to continue constructing a six-story mixed commercial and residential building at 250 Manhattan Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.  The building will contain eight dwelling units and commercial space totaling 7,613 square feet of floor area.

OATH Now Accepting Applications for CDRB Panelists

The New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) is accepting applications from qualified persons who would like to serve on Contract Dispute Resolution Board (CDRB) panels.

CDRB panels hear the final appeal in a three-step dispute resolution process contained in City contracts for construction, goods and services. Each CDRB panel consists of an OATH ALJ, as chair, a representative of the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services, and a third member selected from … <Read More>

BSA Approves Variance for New Brooklyn Hotel

Board granted the variance over community opposition.  On May 19, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals granted a variance to Bond Street Owner LLC for constructing a new thirteen-story hotel at 51-63 Bond Street in Downtown Brooklyn.  The development site is partially within a C6-1 zoning district and partially within an R6B district.  The Department of Buildings originally denied the permit on August 7, 2014 because the proposed hotel exceeded the maximum floor … <Read More>

BSA Permits Penthouse Addition

Board found complying with Multiple Dwellings Law prohibited full development of zoned area.  On May 19, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant the applicant, BBD & D Inc, a permit to construct a penthouse at 237 East 72nd Street in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  The penthouse unit will expand the current building from four stories in height to five.

On April 8, 2014 the Department of Buildings denied … <Read More>