Advertising Sign Violations Upheld

Clear Channel Outdoor installed a monopole on a vacant lot to support two large billboards near the Major Deegan Expressway. In 2009, Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. installed a double-sided sign structure within view of the Major Deegan Expressway in the Bronx. The monopole structure supported a sign for Clear Channel on one side and a sign for Beringer wines on the other. The premises was vacant other than the monopole sign structure. A building with … <Read More>

Homeowner Fined $100 For Failure To Remove Snow

Homeowner failed to remove snow from the sidewalk within the allotted four-hour time frame. Sanitation on March 15, 2017 at 10:49 p.m. charged Chen Nimchuk Jing with failing to remove snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of her premises. The summons stated that there was no attempt to salt, sand or shovel a path for pedestrians, and the snow storm had officially ended on March 14, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. The Administrative Code … <Read More>

Sidewalk Cafes: What it Takes to Dine on the Streets of New York

Operating a sidewalk café requires a public review process and approval from the city. Summer is here and many restaurants open sidewalk cafés to give people a breath of fresh air while enjoying a meal. To operate a sidewalk café, the business must have a food service establishment permit and each year the business must pay consent fees, which are essentially a “lease” for use of the sidewalk space.

Contract Clause Ruled Ambiguous

During a seven year period Contractor and School Construction Authority agreed to multiple time extensions on $32.75 million contract. In February 2001, The New York City School Construction Authority entered into a $32,750,000 contract with AMCC Corporation, a general contractor, to design and build P.S. 270, a three-story public school located at 233-15 Merrick Boulevard, Queens. Over the course of the construction, the contractor submitted proposed change orders to the Authority totaling $4,838,245.57 for the … <Read More>

Additions Proposed For Expansion Of Frick Collection

After 2014 plan was withdrawn in face of public outcry, museum presented Selldorf-designed proposal to create more space for exhibitions, conservators, and educational programs. On May 29, 2018, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a proposal for the construction of rear and roof additions, as well as additional work, to the Frick Collection, an individual City landmark. The Frick was built as a mansion for industrialist Henry Clay Frick by the firm of Carrere and … <Read More>