City’s Claim for Tree Damage Dismissed

Sidewalk contractor injured City trees during sidewalk reconstruction. A property owner hired Tri-Rail Construction, Inc., to repair the sidewalk adjacent to the owner’s property. During the course of the sidewalk repair work Tri-Rail injured City-owned trees. The City sued Tri-Rail for money damages for the injury to the City trees.

Extraordinary Community Efforts Lead to Landmarks Victory in Carroll Gardens

Carroll Gardens newest landmarks are a preservation of a rich history of service to the neighborhood. On September 18, 2018, the Landmarks Preservation Commission unanimously approved individual landmark designation of the Hans S. Christian Memorial Kindergarten at 236 President Street and adjacent 238 President Street House in the Carroll Gardens community in Brooklyn. The approvals came following strong appeal from the community to designate the properties as landmarks in order to preserve not only … <Read More>

Subcontractor’s Claim Against Prime Contractor Upheld

Prime contractor agreed to process subcontractor’s extra work claim, but failed to file a timely claim. The Department of Sanitation in 200 awarded a contract to Arnell Construction Corp. to build two new sanitation garages for Districts 1 and 4 located at 161 Varick Street in Brooklyn. Arnell then signed a $3 million subcontract with Rad & D’Aprile, Inc. to perform masonry work on the project.

City Mandatory Rental Terms Violated State Law

Rental Assistance program sought to establish lease renewal and limit rent increases based on rent stabilization regulations. In 2015, prospective tenants Regina Alston and Sandra Vaughn-Cooke inquired about apartment vacancies at Spring Creek Towers. Starrett City, Inc. owns Spring Creek Towers, located in the East New York neighborhood in Brooklyn. Spring Creek Towers is an apartment complex with 5,881 apartments. Alston and Vaughn-Cooke both had Living in Communities (LINC) rental vouchers. Starrett City, Inc. … <Read More>

REBNY Allowed To Sue City Over Hotel Conversion Law

New law would hinder hotel conversions to residential use. On June 2, 2015, New York City adopted Local Law 50, placing a prohibition on owners of hotels with 150 or more sleeping units from converting more than 20 percent of their hotel space to full-time residential uses. The law is based on City findings that such conversions were adversely impacting the City’s multi-billion-dollar tourism industry, as well as hotel employment. The purpose of the prohibition … <Read More>