Owner of SRO Denied Certificate

Owner of Manhattan brownstone sought to convert a single room occupancy building. Nicole and Clinton Simpson own a single non-occupancy building located at 107 West 122nd Street in Manhattan. The Simpsons purchased the building in September 2016 from the prior owner, who had owned the building from 2007-2016. The Simpsons applied to the Department of Housing Preservation and Development for a certificate of no harassment, a requirement which must be satisfied before the owner … <Read More>

Advertising sign application denied

Owner sought to install billboard capable of running 54 advertisements. Baychester Retail III LLC filed applications to install an LED billboard capable of displaying 54 video screen advertisements on a commercial property located near Co-op City, in the Baychester section neighborhood of the Bronx near the New England Thruway. Buildings denied the applications.

COMPLETE VIDEO – Open Space Dialogues: Healthy City, Active Places

On January 9th, 2019, the Center for New York City Law and the Impact Center for Public Interest Law of New York Law School hosted New Yorkers for Parks for their Open Space Dialogues: Healthy City, Active Places. This installment of the dialogues explored the ways New Yorkers have and want to create opportunities for active recreation and health. The discussion focused on answering questions such as: how parks contribute to different scales of … <Read More>

City Planning Considers Application for 157 Affordable Apartments in the Bronx

The building will have 24 apartments for formerly homeless individuals and families. On December 5, 2018, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for an application for the construction of an eleven-story, low residential building, at 656 East 176th Street in the Bronx. The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and Proxy Estate, Inc. brought the application, requesting a zoning change and disposition of city-owned property to facilitate the project. The proposed … <Read More>

Tenant Wins New Lower Base Rent

State used sampling method to set new base rent for studio improperly deregulated under luxury decontrol. The owner of a rental building at 160 East 84th Street, Manhattan, took advantage of the luxury decontrol provisions of the Rent Stabilization Law to deregulate a studio apartment. Subsequently, the New York Court of Appeals ruled that buildings like 160 East 84th Street were ineligible to take advantage of luxury decontrol because the building was also … <Read More>