Property Award Decreased By $6,934,487

City claimed condemned property designated as wetlands was overvalued at $10 million. In 1985, seven acres of property covering six blocks in the Oakwood Beach section of Staten Island was donated to a yeshiva. The yeshiva’s plans for the property included development of a school and synagogue. Due to fiscal setbacks and a freshwater wetland designation, the yeshiva in 1991 sought and the City approved a hardship exemption in development of the planned school and … <Read More>

Design of Roadway Blamed in Accident

Motorcyclist was killed when he made contact with another vehicle, lost control, and skidded approximately 95 feet until he struck a guardrail. On a clear dry afternoon Vincent Iovine drove a motorcycle east on Sunrise Highway in Nassau County traveling at a speed of 62 miles per hour in a 45 mile per hour zone. At the same time, Guadalupe Carranca had stopped her car at a stop sign on Old Sunrise Highway. Carranca intended … <Read More>

Public Health: Tobacco, Sugars, Trans Fats and Salt

In the twentieth century, primary causes of death and disability in America changed from communicable diseases to chronic diseases. This shift was in part due to the successes of public health as better sanitary conditions and immunizations reduced the burden of communicable diseases.  The shift, however, was also due to changes in lifestyle and longer life expectancies that caused the rates of chronic diseases to increase.

City Planning Certifies City Applications to Build Borough-Based Jails

The four jails are set to replace Rikers island by 2027. On March 25, 2019, the City Planning Commission certified the City’s application for four borough-based jails as a part of the City’s plan to shut down Rikers Island. The four jails – in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn – will have a total of 5,748 beds and a capacity of 5,000 inmates. The additional 748 beds will be used to account for taking … <Read More>

Residents Prevent Development in Fight Over Open Space

Appellate Division finds that Buildings improperly issued construction permit for nursing home after misinterpreting the zoning resolution. Park West Village is a complex located on a superblock bounded by West 100th Street to the north, West 97th Street to the south, Columbus Avenue to the east, and Amsterdam Avenue to the west on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The complex was built in the 1950s and 1960s as part of a federally … <Read More>

Extra Money for Concrete Denied

Contractor claimed that the City contract restricted it to purchasing concrete from a single concrete supplier. In April 2014, Perfetto Contracting Co., an electrical contractor, successfully submitted a bid to the Department of Design and Construction for a contract to work on the Broadway Junction Transit Hub Enhancement Project. The contract required specific concrete designs to be procured from a NYSDOT-approved vendor. Perfetto began work in October 2014.