Flower Shop Fined for Obstruction

A flower shop in the Flower District obstructed a sidewalk with its plants. Holiday Flower & Plant shop, located on 118 West 28th Street, Manhattan, placed some of its plants outside the storefront with the intent of moving the plants inside after the store closed. The plants obstructed more than eight feet of sidewalk and reached the curb. An NYPD officer issued a summon to the flower shop for violating § 19-136 of the … <Read More>

Water and Sewer Fees Bill Upheld

Church claimed full exemption from water and sewer charges. The Bethelite Community Church, located in Harlem, owed $1 million in back water and sewer bills. The Church insisted that its building, as a place of public worship, was exempt from water and sewer fees. The Church applied for full exemption including residences within the property incidental to the exempt uses of the property. The Church reasoned these residences were used by the church administrator and … <Read More>

Supreme Court Judge Finds Inwood Rezoning in Violation of SEQRA

City expected to appeal Judge’s decision invalidating the Inwood Rezoning. On December 10, 2019, Judge Verna L. Saunders of the New York State Supreme Court, New York county ruled in favor of the Northern Manhattan is Not For Sale’s Article 78 petition challenging the legality of the Inwood Rezoning. The rezoning was proposed by the city’s Economic Development Corporation and was set to up-zone 59 blocks in the Inwood neighborhood of Manhattan. Approval of the … <Read More>

CityLaw Profile: Allen P. Cappelli: City Planning Commission Member

On October 17, 2019, the City Council approved a plan to replace Rikers Island.  A month earlier, Allen P. Cappelli, a member of the City Planning Commission, had voted with the 9-3 majority in favor of the application. Cappelli called Rikers Island an “absolute abomination” and in need of “shuttering.” Cappelli’s vote reflected four decades of public service.