Landlord not liable for evictions

Developer evicted elderly and disabled tenants lacking leases from building converted to condominiums. In April 2014, Carnegie Park Tower, LLC submitted a non-eviction offering plan to the Office of the New York Attorney General to convert rental units into condominiums in the building it owned at 200 East 94th Street in Manhattan. The plan provided that no non-purchasing tenant would be evicted because of the building’s conversion to condominiums. The plan became effective in … <Read More>

Advertising sign claim denied

Building owner challenged loss of advertising rights. In 1998, Astoria Landing purchased an existing four-story apartment building located in a residential zone at 24-59 32nd Street in Astoria, Queens. The building’s previous owner had obtained a permit to display commercial advertisements and begun to display advertisements in the 1940s. In 1961, the City adopted new zoning rules which banned the display of advertisements in residential areas. In 1981, the Department of Buildings erroneously renewed the … <Read More>

Fine for illegal awning upheld

Bodega owner fined $6,000 for unpermitted awning. In 2012, Krishna Tiwari installed a 4-foot by 20-foot illuminated awning on the store front of his bodega, Krishna Bazaar, located at 1220 Liberty Avenue in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn. Tiwari never received the required Department of Buildings permit to install this sign. In July 2018, Buildings issued a Notice of Violation to Tiwari for his unpermitted sign and imposed a fine of $6.000 which Tiwari paid. In response, … <Read More>

Contractor’s claim advances

School construction contractor sought extra compensation for change orders and delay caused by the School Construction Corporation. In July 2013, the Arnell Construction Company won a $42 million contract with the New York City School Construction Authority to construct a three-story school building and renovate the existing structure at Public School 106 in the Bronx. The contract required the work to be completed by April 12, 2016. During the course of the construction, Arnell, upon … <Read More>