Entry license overturned

Building under construction sought judicial permission to enter into neighboring building to facilitate the construction. In October of 2020, Stonehedge Management, LLC was renovating their property at 400 E. 57th St. in Manhattan. Stonehedge’s building shared the roof with Sol Goldman Investment’s property at 405 E. 56th Street. Stonehedge sought a judicial entry order to Goldman’s property to stage materials and access to the roof in order to install protective roofing facades to Stonehedge’s … <Read More>

City defeats adverse possession claim

Trucking company fenced in and used City land that had been mapped as a City street. On July 27, 1967, the City condemned a parcel of land owned by the Filomio family and located at 3870 Boston Road in the Bronx. The City condemned the parcel, referred to as Damage Parcel 43, in order to complete a road expansion project. The family did not object to the taking and was compensated by the City. … <Read More>

Fine for work without permit reversed

Owner installed boiler to support cleaning services without a plumbing permit. In March 2019, the New York City Department of Buildings approved Wassoff Plumbing & Utility Co.’s application to replace a boiler that supported dry cleaning services in a building located at 280 Park Avenue in Manhattan.  After the contractor performed the work, a Buildings inspector issued the contractor a summons for replacing the boiler without a plumbing permit. The inspector alleged that the new … <Read More>

Revocation of license upheld

A rigging accident at a construction site killed a pedestrian. On March 10, 2017, a pedestrian was struck and killed by falling debris that became pried loose during rigging operations at a construction site located at 364 Meredith Avenue in Staten Island. Joseph Volpe, the Master Rigger on the job, delayed notifying the Department of Buildings about the incident despite being required to do so.  Following the accident, Buildings revoked Volpe’s Master Rigger’s licenses to … <Read More>

Owner fined for eliminating unit

Owner added staircase to create a duplex but failed to get permit to do work. The corporation AS 303 LLC owns an apartment building located on 303 East 46th Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenue, in Manhattan. The building was authorized to have eleven class “A” units over the five floors. The owner converted apartments 2E and 3E into a duplex by building a staircase connecting 2E to 3E and added another bedroom. The owner … <Read More>

Contractor liable for property damage

Contractor damaged neighboring building while excavating vacant lot in preparation for building parking garage. LIC Contracting, Inc. was hired by a company that owned a vacant lot located at 211-02 and 211-04 Northern Boulevard in Queens to construct a three-story commercial building with two-level underground parking on the premises. The project required that the lot be excavated to construct the parking structure.