Enforcement of sex shop rules halted

Adult entertainment businesses continue their decades-long fight against zoning rules that restrict business locations. In the latest installment in the City’s efforts to restrict adult entertainment establishments, a federal court enjoined enforcement of the City’s zoning resolution. This is the latest court action in a series of actions that began in 1994.

Contractor denied additional payment

DEP required Jett Industries to clean channels at the Wards Island Wastewater Treatment Plant; Jett claimed that cleaning was extra work and sought an additional payment. Jett Industries, Inc. entered into an $116,969,000 contract with the Department of Environmental Protection to rehabilitate the settling system at the Wards Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. During the bidding process DEP, in response to bidders’ questions regarding the cleaning of tanks and channels, notified bidders that contractors were advised … <Read More>

City Council Holds Hearing to Address Deed Fraud Crisis

Proposed legislation would include requirements to provide information about how to respond to suspected deed fraud. On October 13, 2020, the City Council Committee of Housing and Buildings and the Committee on Finance held an oversight hearing examining the City’s deed theft and deed fraud crisis, and discussed two bills and a resolution aimed at combatting deed theft: Int 1913, Int 1919, and Res 1427.

NYCHA and HPD Announce Construction of Affordable Housing Co-Operative Development in the Bronx

Seventy-two co-op units will be available for purchase. On October 2, 2020, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) and the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) announced that Lemle & Wolff Companies and Avante Contracting Corp will develop a 100 percent affordable homeownership housing development at NYCHA’s Soundview campus in the Bronx. The buildings will be located across the street to the north of Soundview Park along Lacombe Avenue at <Read More>