Housing project will have cinema and retail space

249-unit,mixed-use project will have multi-colored, patterned facade. The Department of Housing Preservation and Development sought approval for a 15-lot disposition in Central Harlem for construction of the Kalahari, a two-building, 249-unit affordable housing project with ground floor retail, restaurant, theater, and community group space. The 54,184-square-foot site, fronting West 115th and 116th Streets, was originally proposed for development in 2003, but HPD withdrew the application several days before the Council’s vote due to concerns raised … <Read More>

NYCHA Announces Financing Secured for Manhattanville Houses PACT Renovation Project

On December 12, 2024, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) announced they secured $445 million to renovate the Manhattanville Houses Complex, revitalize existing shared spaces, and improve building infrastructure. This project is anticipated to be completed in three years.

This complex was selected through the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program which maintains residents’ rights and preserves affordable rents for all households. Since 2021, the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) team and Manhattanville resident … <Read More>

City Reveals Proposal for Gansevoort Square Following Meat Market’s Early Departure from Site

On October 28, 2024, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced the initial proposal for the Gansevoort Square project. The project includes utilizing Gansevoort Square, a City-owned site located on Little West 12th Street between Washington Street and 10th Avenue in Manhattan, for mixed-income housing, new public space, and expanding the Whitney Museum of American Art and the High Line.

Governor and Mayor Celebrate Over 600 Letters of Intent for 421-a Extension Program

On October 16, 2024, New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York Governor Kathy Hochul celebrated the milestone of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) receiving Letters of Intent for approximately 650 buildings through the 421-a extension tax incentive program. The proposed 650 buildings represent roughly 71,000 new homes (including 21,000 affordable units) for New Yorkers. Currently, New Yorkers face a 1.4 percent rental vacancy rate, with half of … <Read More>

City Breaks Ground on New Stapleton Waterfront Esplanade

On September 13, 2024, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced the ground breaking for the New Stapleton Waterfront, part of the City’s Staten Island North Shore Action Plan. The Staten Island North Shore Action Plan is a four-year plan that was announced in September 2023 by Mayor Adams and New York City Councilmember Kamillah Hanks. This $400 million investment aims to provide Staten Island’s North Shore with over 20 acres of public space, more … <Read More>