Landmarks Requests Rethinking of Plan to Redevelop 2 Buildings into a 1-Family Home

Proposal would redevelop two turn-of-the-century utilitarian building into a residence containing an elaborate garden, with a set back protruding tower containing a dining room and study. On July 12, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application for the residential redevelopment of two adjoining buildings at 85 and 89 Jane Street . The two buildings fall within the Greenwich Village Historic District. Both structures are identified utilitarian in style in the district’s designation report. … <Read More>

Sign Use Lost Following Demolition

Property owner relied on permit improperly issued by Buildings to claim that advertising sign was a legal grandfathered use. Perlbinder Holdings, LLC owned a building located at 663-669 Second Avenue in Manhattan. Perlbinder for many years maintained a large, single-sided, illuminated advertising sign on the side of the building and had received a permit from the Department of Buildings to operate the sign in 1980. Subsequently, the Council amended the New York City Zoning … <Read More>

Appellate Division Overturns BSA Denial of Sign Registration

The Board of Standards and Appeals had denied the application based on its finding that the signage was an art installation rather than an “advertising sign,” as defined in the Zoning Resolution. Local Law 31 of 2005 amends the regulations governing the usage of outdoor advertising signs by requiring companies engaged in outdoor advertising to submit to the Department of Buildings an exhaustive list of all of the companies’ “signs, sign structures and sign locations” … <Read More>

City Planning Commission Approves Plans to Build Socrates Sculpture Park

The site has been operating as an open public space for use by local artists and community members since 1986. On April 13, 2016, the City Planning Commission adopted a resolution to approve the amending of the City Map to include the Socrates Sculpture Park, located at 32-01 Vernon Boulevard in the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens. The site has been functioning effectively as a public park for local artists and community members for … <Read More>

BSA Conditionally Approves Proposed Redevelop of Landmarked Theatre into Mixed-Use Residential and Commercial Building

The proposed redevelopment plan has been approved by Landmarks and has been modified slightly to comply with federal regulations, due to the site’s close proximity to LaGuardia Airport. On October 27, 2015, the Board of Standards and Appeals approved with conditions a request by Flushing Square, LLC., for a special permit to re-develop the RKO Keith’s Theatre, located at 135-35 Northern Boulevard in the downtown Flushing neighborhood of Queens, into a 16-story mixed use commercial … <Read More>

1066-Foot Tower will Abut Landmarked Bank Building

Designated bank lobby will be converted to retail space, while new tower will accommodate residential use. On April 19, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve work impacting the individually designated Dime Savings Bank, as well as its lobby, an interior Landmark. The site lies at 9 Dekalb Avenue in Downtown Brooklyn, on an irregularly shaped block bounded by Dekalb and Flatbush Avenues and Fulton Street. The proposed tower will displace the Williamsburgh <Read More>