State Senate To Provide Exception to Floor Area Ratio Cap for City Residential Buildings

A proposed State bill seeks to give City broad flexibility to increase floor area ratio in residential developments. The New York Senate has introduced bill S6760 by including language in their budget resolution that will amend the State’s Multiple Dwelling Law to provide an exception for the floor area ratio (FAR) cap. Currently, the law provides for a floor area ratio not to exceed 12.0 in New York City. The amendment will introduce language to … <Read More>

Threatened Mansion Designated Two Weeks after Calendaring

Turn-of-the-century mansion, identified as part of Sunset Park survey, was calendared as a last-minute addition to agenda two weeks prior to hearing, followed immediately by designation. Landmarks voted to designate the Maurice T. Lewis House, at 404 55th Street in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park neighborhood, immediately following a public hearing on March 6, 2018. Landmarks had only added the item to its calendar two weeks prior, as a last-minute addition to the day’s agenda.

No documents sinks Triton Structural Concrete extra work claim

Contractor redesigned and re-fabricated roof of rink as part of a time and materials contract. On September 19, 2013, the Department of Design and Construction awarded a $5.1 million contract to Triton Structural Concrete, Inc. to construct the Ocean Breeze Indoor Horse Riding Arena in Staten Island. The rink was to serve as the headquarters for Helping Others Overcome Personal Handicaps, a therapeutic riding program. Because of 2012’s Superstorm Sandy, the DDC required an enclosed … <Read More>

Triton Structural Concrete Failed to Reserve $790,125 Claim

Contractor hired to repair Hurricane Sandy damage failed to list dispute when seeking time extensions on project. In 2009, the Department of Design and Construction awarded Triton Structural Concrete, Inc. a $105,003,443 contract to rebuild and repair various beachfront structures in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island that were damaged by Hurricane Sandy. The contract required Triton to install prefabricated modular buildings on driven pile foundations along several sections of the beachfront.

Victoria’s Secret fined $7,200 for signs

Outdoor signs at Herald Square store exceeded the maximum allowable height. Victoria’s Secret, located in Herald Square at 1328 Broadway in Manhattan, maintained three outdoor signs that reached 37 feet above curb level. On November 23, 2015, the Department of Buildings charged Victoria’s Secret with violating the maximum allowable height of 25 feet as set out in Section 32-655 of the New York City Zoning Resolution. The officer charged Victoria’s Secret with three Class 2 … <Read More>

New Local Law creates uncertainty for “as-of-right” development

Central to the concept of zoning is that a developer may rely on the text and build to the limits written into the zoning resolution.  The council has now tinkered with that expectation.  Under a new local law, the council can potentially overcome the “as-of-right” option by adopting a text change on an expedited basis.

The local law was a response to the controversial Two Bridges project, a proposal consisting of three residential towers … <Read More>