Blocked Brooklyn Bridge View Claim Defeated

Development corporation constructed buildings in Brooklyn Bridge Park that blocked view of the Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Promenade. In 2005 Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corporation and Empire State Development Corporation adopted a general project plan for Brooklyn Bridge Park that included the development of a hotel, restaurant, and residential units upland of Brooklyn’s Pier 1. Community members demanded during the initial environmental review that the new buildings not block the view of the Brooklyn … <Read More>

New Six-Story-Plus-Setback Building Proposed For West Broadway Site

Morris Adjmi-designed building would replace three-story commercial structure built in 1986. On June 12, 2018, Landmarks held a hearing on a proposal to construct a new building at 430 West Broadway in the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District. The lot is currently occupied by a three-story commercial structure built in 1986 and redesigned in 1997 to plans by the firm of Greenberg Farrow. The proposal would see the demolition of the existing building, and the construction … <Read More>

Additions Proposed For Expansion Of Frick Collection

After 2014 plan was withdrawn in face of public outcry, museum presented Selldorf-designed proposal to create more space for exhibitions, conservators, and educational programs. On May 29, 2018, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a proposal for the construction of rear and roof additions, as well as additional work, to the Frick Collection, an individual City landmark. The Frick was built as a mansion for industrialist Henry Clay Frick by the firm of Carrere and … <Read More>

Water Board Wins Rate Schedule Battle

Court of Appeals affirmed Water Board plan: credits to some, rate hikes for all. The New York City Water Board leases the reservoirs and water and sewage system from the City. Historically, the City tied the rental amount to the sum owed on the City’s water and sewer-related general obligation bonds. In 2003, however, the City began collecting rent above what was owed on the bonds. This increase led to a spike in water rates … <Read More>

Scenic Landmark Designation of Coney Island Boardwalk Proceeds

Many speakers asked Landmarks to seek more binding control to ensure the boardwalk’s wood planking is replaced in kind. The Landmarks Preservation Commission held a hearing on the potential scenic landmark designation of the Coney Island Boardwalk at its meeting on April 17, 2018. The designation would include the boardwalk and all structures on it, including furniture, concession pavilions, comfort stations, and lifeguard stations. A 100-foot-wide corridor of sand below and adjoining the boardwalk would … <Read More>