Council approves Verizon’s rezonings

West 43rd and West 47th Streets sites upzoned. On November 10, 2004, the full Council approved without modification the two applications of Verizon New York, Inc. to alter the zoning on a 143,300 sq.ft. full-block site on West 47th Street and a 45,200 sq.ft. site on West 43rd Street. Both sites are between 11th and 12th Avenues.

With the approval, the size of the building area permitted on the West 43rd Street site increased from … <Read More>

LIRR commuter parking lot to become senior housing

Development will contain 38 units of senior housing, office space, and 54 tenant parking spaces. The Department of Citywide Administrative Services obtained approval to dispose of a 47,108 sq.ft. site located at 240-02 North Conduit Avenue, currently providing 40 parking spaces for Rosedale LIRR commuters, to the New York City Economic Development Corporation for a new mixed-use development. EDC will transfer the site to Stone Ridge Homes, Inc., which will develop a three-story, 16,402 sq.ft. … <Read More>

Watchtower’s full-block project approved

Watchtower reduced height to gain approval of complex. On December 2, 2004, following extensive negotiations between the developer and Council Members Leticia James and David Yassky, the City Council approved the 736,400 sq.ft. development proposed by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., subject to a height reduction. The modification, which reduced the street-wall heights of the Front Street buildings to 82 ft. and a maximum height of 110 ft. away from … <Read More>

Use variance for mini-storage facility denied

Site now used for b us parking lot. Enopac Holding LLC, which since 1995 operated a parking lot for 150- 180 school buses on its property located at 6055 -6065 Strickland Avenue in Brooklyn, sought a use variance from the BSA to allow the construction of six mini-storage buildings on the property. Although the site historically contained several heavy and light industrial uses, including a waste treatment facility, the City rezoned the area in 1996 … <Read More>

Claim of spot zoning and taking at Seaport rebuffed

Down-zoning in South Street Seaport upheld. Peck Slip Assoc. LLC, the owner of a surface parking lot at 250 Water Street, sued the City seeking to invalidate City Council’s down-zoning of the South Street Seaport area on a claim that the rezoning made 250 Water Street impossible to develop.

In April 2003, the City Council approved a South Street Seaport down-zoning, reducing the permitted height and mass of all future development in a l O-block … <Read More>

Refusal to issue school seating certification upheld

Staten Island residential developer denied certification. Salvatore Culotta wanted to build 12 dwelling units in six detached residences on property he owned in the Special South Richmond Development District, a special zoning district created by the City in 1977. Before applying to Buildings for a permit, however, Culotta was required to apply to City Planning for a certification that there was sufficient school capacity to accommodate the expected increase in school children. When Culotta filed … <Read More>