COMPLETE VIDEO: Michael Horodniceanu Speaks at the 141st CityLaw Breakfast

On Thursday April 6, 2017, the Center for New York City Law at New York Law School hosted the 141st CityLaw Breakfast. The event speakers were MTA Capital Construction Company President Michael Horodniceanu and Rick Cotton, Special Counsel to Governor Cuomo for Interagency Initiatives. Horodniceanu and Cotton were welcomed and introduced by Ross Sandler, Professor of Law and Director of the Center for New York City Law.

Zoning Committee Hears Testimony on New 22-Story Building in West Chelsea

City Council’s Zoning Committee discusses proposed construction of a 22-story building next to U-Haul depot on West 23rd Street. On March 28, 2017, the City Council’s Zoning Subcommittee heard testimony on an application to modify bulk regulations within the Special West Chelsea District in lower west Manhattan. The applicant, 23rd and 11th Associates LLC, sought a zoning text amendment to permit the distribution of floor area across different commercial zoning districts and subarea boundaries for … <Read More>

Nisha Agarwal: “Lawyers help enforce the law, but also change it”

In 2014, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Nisha Agarwal as the Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. Agarwal has since pushed forward and implemented IDNYC, New York City’s municipal ID card, a program that ensures that all New York City residents have access to City services. More than 900,000 New York City residents have signed up in the two years the program has operated. Agarwal also supervises ActionNYC. ActionNYC connects New Yorkers with … <Read More>

Buildings Exempted from Rent Law

Red Hook developer converted commercial buildings into residential apartments. Harbor Tech LLC in 1999 purchased a commercial complex located in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn that had been built in the 1920s and used continuously for commercial purposes. Harbor Tech by 2005 had converted the five interlaced buildings of the complex into 100 residential units.

Thirty-five residents of the complex in 2013 sued Harbor Tech to have the City’s Rent Stabilization Law applied … <Read More>

Almost 300 New Residential Units to be Added in Bedford-Stuyvesant

Planning Commission approves two new residential buildings in northeast Brooklyn with up to 88 affordable units. On March 8, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on an application to construct two new mixed-used buildings opposite of each other on Franklin Avenue in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. The developer, Riverside Developers USA Inc., requested the upzoning of the two project sites from manufacturing zoning districts to joint residential and commercial zones. The … <Read More>