Lawsuit alleging cancer advances

Families near Pelham Bay landfill claim infants’ cancers caused by chemicals at dump. Sanitation closed its 81-acre landfill in Pelham Bay, Bronx in 1979 following 16 years of operations and increasing complaints over odors and a yellow mist emanating from the site. In 1983, the state declared the dump an inactive hazardous waste site prompting the City to sue 15 corporations in 1985, alleging that the corporations illegally dumped hazardous chemicals. Later that year, Sanitation … <Read More>

Harlem theater and Staten Island house designated

Photoplays theater built in 1914. The Claremont Theater building, located at 3320-3328 Broadway in Harlem, Manhattan, is one of the oldest structures in New York City constructed specifically for showing motion pictures, originally called “photoplays.” The 1914 theater was designed in the neo-Renaissance style and faced in white terra cotta and white glazed brick by architect Gaetano Ajello, best-known for his apartment buildings on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. The building has an unusual arrangement with … <Read More>

Rooftop penthouse approved

Removal of water tower does not alter the historic character of Fifth Avenue building. Landmarks approved an application by Savanna Partners for removal of a water tower and rooftop mechanical equipment at 141 Fifth Avenue in the Ladies’ Mile Historic District, Manhattan, in order to allow construction of a new penthouse addition. The approval also permits Savanna to install a new curved storefront, replicate historic columns, and partially remove the rear facade, expanding the building … <Read More>

Landmarks designates civic construction projects

Two WPA projects and firehouse designated. On June 20, 2006, Landmarks unanimously approved the designation of the Bronx’s Orchard Beach Bathhouse, Queen’s Astoria Play Center and a 1904 firehouse in Long Island City, Queens, home to Fire Engine Company No. 258, Ladder Company No. 115.

Both constructed in the midst of the Great Depression under Parks Commissioner Robert Moses and using the Works Progress Administration funds, the Orchard Beach Bathhouse and the Astoria Play Center … <Read More>

Hearing held on former automat

Designation hearing held on one of the last remaining H&H automat structures in New York. Landmarks held a well-attended public hearing June 27, 2006 on the Horn and Hardart Building at 2710 Broadway, a former automat built in 1930 by the architecture firm F.P. Platt and Brothers. Currently home to a Rite- Aid drugstore, much of the building’s signature ornamentation is covered with signs. The flagship Horn and Hardart, or “H&H”, as they were known, … <Read More>

New sixteen-story residential building for West 72nd

Planned 120 West 72nd St. development. Used with permission of Rick Berstein,

Residential building will require the demolition of a 1937, one-story building. Landmarks approved an application by the owner of 120 West 72nd Street to demolish the existing one-story commercial building and construct a 16-story residential building within the Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District in Manhattan. The existing building sits between two 14-story buildings on West 72nd Street between Amsterdam and … <Read More>