Three brothers owning land in Staten Island challenged use of ULURP to exempt City from condemnation procedures. In 2002, the Planning Commission approved an application by the Department of Parks and Recreation to add 14.5 acres to the Skyline Playground, a neighborhood park in Staten Island. Six of the 14.5 acres belonged to the Putter brothers, who planned to develop the site and had a pending application with City Planning for 50 affordable townhouses.… <Read More>
EDC lease of Hunts Point Space to Baldor approved
Competitor challenged procedures in EDC’s selection of Baldor for South Bronx lease. The New York City Economic Development Corporation issued a request for proposals for a long-term lease of two parcels across the street from the City Terminal Market at Hunts Point in the Bronx. Baldor Specialty Foods and the Hunts Point Terminal Produce Cooperative Association, among others, submitted proposals. EDC chose Baldor after deciding that it had submitted the most competitive lease package. Baldor, … <Read More>
Federal court rejects challenge to Yankee Stadium
Bronx locals’ second attempt to halt Yankee Stadium claimed bias and ineptitude on the part of the National Parks Service. As part of the needed approvals for the Yankee Stadium development, the National Park Service approved the plan to privatize a 10.67-acre portion of the Macomb’s Dam Park and replace the lost park space with 16.44 acres on three separate parcels, including the old Yankee Stadium site, to be developed with baseball and softball fields, … <Read More>
City foils TransGas’s condemnation of park site
Court rules TransGas Energy’s condemnation is premature. TransGas Energy Systems proposed to construct a power plant along the East River waterfront in Williamsburg. It spent $1.5 million in March 2001 on an option to purchase the site, and, in 2002, filed for approval from the state Siting Board.
At Siting Board hearings, the City opposed the plan, testifying that it planned to rezone the entire Williamsburg neighborhood and create a waterfront park. In 2004, the … <Read More>
DeNiro hotel fails to qualify for brownfield tax credits
Developers sought brownfield credits, but had excavated and remediated site before DEC denied claim. 377 Greenwich LLC, developers of a seven-story luxury hotel and restaurant at Greenwich and North Moore Streets, conducted soil tests on the site and discovered two 550-gallon unregistered underground storage tanks. The developers applied in 2004 to the state Department of Environmental Conservation to have the site recognized … <Read More>
Cell-phone antennas approved for church spire
Telecommunications equipment will not be visible from street. Landmarks issued the final permit to allow the construction of six telecommunication antennas within the steeple of the Woodrow United Methodist Church, an individual landmark in Staten Island. The work required removal of wood framing, clapboards, and vinyl siding from the spire and construction of an equipment cabinet in the rear of the site with conduits running from the rear cabinet to the church spire antennas. Landmarks … <Read More>