SoHo Alliance loses appeal to stop Trump SoHo

BSA allows construction of the controversial hotel to go forward. In September 2007, the New York City Department of Buildings approved plans for the 42-story Trump SoHo condominium hotel, to be located at 246 Spring Street between Varick Street and Sixth Avenue. Because there is a general prohibition against residential developments in the area with the exception of transient hotels, Buildings’ approval required the developers to file a restriction against the property that would prohibit … <Read More>

New Mixed-Use Bldg. in SoHo-Cast Iron HD Approved

Arpad Baksa-designed, six-story building to be located within corridor between historic Broome and Wooster Streets. On May 7, 2008, the City Planning Commission approved Rocksprings Management Company’s proposal to build a six-story, 12,498-square-foot residential building, with ground-floor retail, at 52 Wooster Street.

Currently, a ten-space parking lot occupies the site, which is located in the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District on the corner of Broome and Wooster Streets. Surrounding the site are five- and six-story … <Read More>

Council considers 12 construction site safety bills

Unions, contractors, and developers call for public benefit corporation to replace DOB. On May 6, 2008, the City Council’s Housing and Buildings Committee heard testimony from the acting Commissioner of the New York City Department of Buildings, Robert LiMandri, and the public on a dozen proposed local laws aimed at improving safety at construction sites in the City.

Council Member Jessica Lappin sponsored Intro 760 that would give Buildings the power to order a … <Read More>

BSA allows construction despite rezoning

BSA rules that foundation work was sufficiently completed prior to rezoning. In June 2007, the Department of Buildings issued the owner of 74 Grand Avenue a permit to construct a five-story, 55,000-squarefoot residential building. The proposed building, to be located between Myrtle and Park Avenues in the Fort Greene section of Brooklyn, complied with the zoning requirements at the time. The next month, the City rezoned portions of Fort Greene from R6 to R6B, rendering … <Read More>

High court denies PS 64’s conversion to dorm use

Local school affiliation a requisite for building permit. In 1998, Gregg Singer purchased PS 64 from the City, subject to the restriction that the property be used for a community facility. Singer then applied to the Department of Buildings to replace the PS 64 building, located at 609 East 9th Street, with a 19-story dormitory. Buildings asked Singer to provide a lease or deed with an educational institution to prove his proposed building was … <Read More>

BSA okays 16-story bldg. one year after rezoning

Council Member Letitia James opposed vested right claim. On March 4, 2008, BSA allowed construction of a 16-story building at 163 Washington Avenue to move forward despite the fact that the building is out of compliance with the recently adopted Fort Greene- Clinton Hill Rezoning plan. The building will have community facility use on the first floor with residential use in the remainder of the building. It will also have a second- floor terrace, supported … <Read More>