Parks Dept Announces Completed Reconstruction of Bensonhurst Park Playground

The project cost $7.86 million. On January 7, 2020, the Parks Department announced the completion of the reconstruction of Bensonhurst Park Playground in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. Bensonhurst Park is one of 26 parks crossed by the Belt Parkway, which divides the park into two sections. The playground portion of the park is located near the intersection of Bay Parkway and Cropsey Avenue.

NYCHA Receives $24.7 Million HUD Grant to Support Resident Safety and Security Needs

The funds will go toward improving security lighting and lead abatement. On December 31, 2020, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) announced that the agency received a $24.7 million Emergency Capital Needs Safety and security Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to be used to address resident health, safety and security concerns. 

Trial set for dispute over fire escape

Adjacent owner demanded that next-door neighbor remove fire escape that overhung the adjacent owner’s property. Clover M. Barrett owned a five-story mixed-use building, constructed in 1902, located at 338 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. Barrett’s property had a fire escape dating from the original 1902 construction that hung three feet and five inches over a neighbor’s property located at 319-325 Pacific Street. The fire escape gave Barrett’s second through fifth floor tenants and building occupants the … <Read More>

Mayor’s Office Announces Record Total Bike Lane Expansion for 2020

The addition of protected bike lanes comes as more people opt for cycling as a transportation option during the COVID-19 pandemic. On December 29, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that 28.6 miles of new protected bike lanes have been constructed across the five boroughs throughout 2020. The announcement brings New York City’s total bike lane network to 1,378 miles. Of that, 545 miles are protected bike lanes. 

Parks Department Celebrates Holiday Season With Light Displays Across City

The light displays offer local options for those who can’t or choose not to see typically more crowded options like the Rockefeller Center tree. On December 11, 2020, the Parks Department announced that this holiday season, New Yorkers can enjoy local light displays at Parks administrative buildings and parks around the city. This season, Parks will host over 80 lighting displays across the City.