Robert B. Tierney on the Pursuit of Preservation

Robert B. Tierney comes from a background of law and government rather than architecture, but his experience and training serve him well in his current position as Chair of the Landmarks Preservation Commission. His love for learning about the City’s fascinating history and built environment, which he describes as a hobby and passion pursued for over 40 years, has allowed him to approach designation from a well-versed position, while his expertise in navigating through City … <Read More>

Brooklyn owner wins right to complete construction


1610 Avenue S. Photo: CityLand.

Board rules that excavation and foundation work completed prior to permit revocation is still considered in vested rights analysis if revocation is later rescinded. On January 11, 2006, the Department of Buildings issued a permit to the owner of 1610 Avenue S to construct a six-story 25-unit residential building with community facility use on the first floor. After a special audit review, Buildings notified the owner of its intent … <Read More>

DOB enjoined from revoking Church’s catering permit

Third Church of Christ, Scientist on the corner of Park Avenue and 64th Street. Photo:Melanie Cash.

Church contracted with caterer to run year-round private catering affairs. The Third Church of Christ, Scientist, located on Park Avenue and 64th Street in Manhattan, was concerned with its dwindling membership and concomitant lack of funds. Its building required major capital repairs to bring it up to code. In an effort to avoid selling the building, the Church entered … <Read More>

Trump SoHo Wins Appeal

Court finds that BSA’s decision to uphold DOB permits was supported by substantial evidence. The New York City Department of Buildings issued permits for a transient hotel at 246 Spring Street in Manhattan. Believing that the design amounted to an unpermitted residential building in an M1-6 zoning district, SoHo Alliance appealed DOB’s decision to BSA. BSA denied the appeal, 5 CityLand 74 (June 15, 2008), and SoHo Alliance filed an article 78 petition challenging … <Read More>

Indicted lab keeps license

Buildings’ suspension of license pending criminal trial overturned by OATH. On October 29, 2008, Testwell Laboratories, a licensed concrete testing laboratory, and V. Reddy Kancharla, a licensed site safety manager, were indicted on charges of enterprise corruption, grand larceny, scheme to defraud, offering a false instrument for filing, and falsifying business records. The next day, the Department of Buildings imposed pre-hearing suspensions on both, claiming that their conduct created imminent jeopardy to the public … <Read More>

Facade NOV dismissed

246 East 46th Street. Photo:Melanie Cash.

Building owner inspected facade after allotted time. Beginning in 1980, owners of buildings taller than six stories were required to conduct a critical examination of their buildings’ facade every five years. Each five-year cycle required submission of a technical report following examination. In February 1999, the Department of Buildings accepted the last of the fourth round technical reports. Building owner J.T. Tai Co., Inc. conducted a facade examination in … <Read More>