Former Bronx Borough President fined $10,000

Adolfo Carrión, Jr. hired architect for private job at same time architect worked on project that Carrión later recommended for approval. Hugo Subotovsky worked as an architect on a Bronx development project known as Boricua Village. Atlantic Development Group LLC was the developer, and Peter Fine, one of Atlantic’s principals, was part of the team seeking City approval for the project through the City’s land use review process. Subotovsky was also part of this … <Read More>

$40,000 fine for illegal sign reversed by lower court

The Department of Buildings failed to appeal both relevant ALJ decisions. In 2006, the owner of 882 Sixth Avenue entered into a licensing agreement with Troystar Inc., a registered outdoor advertising company. The agreement allowed Troystar to install a sign on the facade of the owner’s building. Two years later, the Department of Buildings issued the owner eight NOVs, one for failing to register as an “outdoor advertising company” and seven for failing to … <Read More>

Land owners fined, lose outdoor ad challenge

Property owners claimed they could not be fined for lessees’ illegal outdoor advertisements. Four separate property owners leased space on their premises to companies that procured, erected, and/or maintained advertisements in the space. The leases were all long-term. The Department of Buildings issued multiple notices of violation to the owners charging them for failing to register as an outdoor advertising company, failing to obtain a permit or a proper permit for outdoor advertising signs, and … <Read More>

Apartment building owner defeats facade report NOV

Distinction between basement and cellar explained. The Department of Buildings issued Supreme Company LLC a notice of violation for failing to file a required report concerning the periodic inspection of the exterior walls of its building at 1659 York Avenue in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Supreme contested the NOV at a hearing before an ALJ, claiming that it was exempt from the filing requirement since its building did not exceed six stories. Supreme’s architect stated … <Read More>

Council Member Brad Lander on Current Initiatives Affecting Land Use in the City

Council Member Brad Lander, chair of the City Council’s Landmarks, Public Siting & Maritime Uses Subcommittee, draws from his experience as a public policy advocate when executing his duties.

Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Lander in 1991 earned a liberal arts degree from the University of Chicago. He then earned a master’s degree in Social Anthropology at the University College London in the United Kingdom, where he worked with community groups to research how a … <Read More>

Council proposes DOB and BSA fee increases

Domenic M. Recchia Jr.

Local laws would increase Buildings’ filing fees and BSA’s application fees. On May 11, 2011, City Council Member Domenic M. Recchia Jr., by request of the Mayor, introduced two local laws to amend the City’s administrative code and increase the Department of Buildings’ filing fees and the Board of Standards & Appeals’ application fees.

Intro 570 would affect certain filing fees charged by Buildings for alteration permits, service equipment and … <Read More>