New Initiative Will Offer Apartment Modifications To Help Residents Live More Comfortably

Program seeks to keep aging tenants in their homes. On April 30, 2018, the Housing Preservation & Development Commission announced a new preservation program tool named Aging in Place. The program will offer apartment and common area modifications to residents of buildings undergoing City financed rehabilitation. The modifications aim to increase safety and comfort in the home and reduce risks of falls. The program was created in collaboration with the Department of Health and … <Read More>

Comptroller Report Finds Airbnb Usage Contributed to High Rent Problem

On April 2018, New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer issued a report on the impact of Airbnb on City rents. The report looked at how the home-sharing company impacted rent in the City over the period of 2009 to 2016. The report found that rental rates increases during this time period can be attributed to Airbnb.

Ten NYCHA Developments To Receive New Rat Extermination Plan

De Blasio Administration will focus on reducing rat population through different extermination measures. On April 17, 2018, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new rat extermination plan for the NYCHA’s ten most rat-infested developments. The extermination plan is part of the Mayor’s $32 million Neighborhood Rat Reduction Program to reduce rat populations in the most infested City neighborhoods: ­­­­­­­Grand Concourse in the Bronx, Chinatown, East Village, and Lower East Side in Manhattan, and Bushwick and … <Read More>

Comptroller’s Audit Reveals Unsatisfactory Conditions In NYCHA Playgrounds

549 NYCHA-owned playgrounds have hazardous conditions and lack of repair and maintenance records. On April 4, 2018, Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released an audit of New York City Housing Authority playgrounds’ conditions and maintenance. NYCHA is responsible for the maintenance of each development’s playgrounds. Results from playground inspections are required to be entered into NYCHA’s electronic system for tracking maintenance and physical repair work. However, the Comptroller’s audit shows that NYCHA failed to consistently maintain … <Read More>

Designations of Two Individual Landmarks Overturned by Council

Landmarks’ designations of two residential buildings on City Island rejected due to objections of local council member. On March 12, 2018, the City Council’s Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Siting & Maritime Uses voted against upholding the individual landmark designations of two residential buildings on City Island in the Bronx. The buildings are the Samuel H. and Mary T. Booth House at 30 Centre Street, and the Captain John H. Stafford House, at 95 <Read More>