DOT Launches Bike Parking Pilot Program

The pods are enclosed to provide secure bicycle parking. On March 11, 2022, the New York City Department of Transportation announced the launch of a bicycle parking pilot program which will provide protected curbside biking corrals in five locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens. As more New Yorkers choose cycling as a mode of transportation, secure bike parking options will be in greater demand.

Historic Districts Council Names Frampton Tolbert as Next Executive Director

On March 2, 2022, the Historic Districts Council announced that Frampton Tolbert will be the next Executive Director of the Historic Districts Council. The Historic Districts Council advocates for the preservation of New York City’s historic neighborhoods and buildings. The appointment of Tolbert follows the departure of Simeon Bankoff, the previous Executive Director, last September, after 20 years at the helm.

Mayor Announces Appointments to New York City Districting Commission

The Commission will help with the redesign of the City Council district boundaries. On March 7, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced his seven appointees to the New York City Districting Commission. The Commission is responsible for redrawing council district boundaries as required every ten years by the City Charter following the national census. The redistricting helps the City Council reflect changes in demographics and population. 

HPD Announces Heightened Enforcement for 250 Buildings for Open Violations

The program requires owners to rectify most violations within a four month period or be subject to penalties and possible costs of repairs initiated by HPD. On March 1, 2022, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) announced 250 buildings will be placed in the City’s Alternative Enforcement Program, which heightens enforcement against distressed buildings with many violations.