BSA Approves Variance for New Residential Apartment Building in Brooklyn

The Board found the subject site, polluted by past automotive use, carried unique hardship.  On March 31, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant Moshe Packman a variance to facilitate construction of a four-story residential building in Marine Park, Brooklyn.  The proposed building is located at 2881 Nostrand Avenue and will contain nineteen dwelling units covering 21,827 square feet.

My Rules for Thee, But Not for Me: The City Destroys a City-Owned Landmark

The Castle on the Concourse is doomed. Had any other owner of a designated landmark abandoned his property to the elements like this, the Landmarks Preservation Commission would have sued him for “demolition by neglect.” But here the commission is helpless. The owner is the City of New York, and while the city fully expects owners of designated properties – private homeowners, businesses, landlords, or institutions – to adhere to standards set by the LPC, … <Read More>

BSA Grants Permit to Enlarge Special District Building in Brooklyn

The Board granted the permit after confirming the neighborhood’s character would not be altered. On March 10, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals granted a special permit to Athina Orthodoxou to enlarge a non-complying two-story two-family home at 337 99th Street, in an R4-1 zoning district in the Special Bay Ridge District of Brooklyn.  The Special District was established in 2005 to protect Bay Ridge from high-density development.  (See additional CityLand coverage … <Read More>

BSA Grants Variance for Senior Housing in Staten Island

Existing zoning regulations would not have permitted proposed three-story building.  On March 4, 2015, the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant Mangone Developers Corporation a variance for a proposed three-story senior housing building in Midland Beach, Staten Island. The proposed building is located at 1891 Richmond Road in a Special Natural Area District of Staten Island, at the corner of Richmond Road and Adams Avenue.

City Council, Borough President Push Against Illegal Home Conversions

The new legislation was announced in the wake of fire fatalities.  On March 8, 2015 Councilmember Jumaane D. Williams held a press conference to announce new legislation to stop illegal home conversions in New York City.  The legislation is co-sponsored by Councilmember Vincent Gentile, who has previously introduced two other bills to halt illegal conversions, and is introduced at the request of Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams.  An illegal home conversion occurs when … <Read More>

BSA Permits New Commercial Building on Unmapped Street

Board approved construction after assurances from FDNY.  On January 13, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals approved a special permit for Carlo Saccheri to construct a two-story commercial building at 44 Marjorie Street in Charleston, Staten Island.  The building will be used for the receiving and storage of plumbing supplies, as well as associated office space and commercial truck parking.