Zoning for Housing Opportunity Amendment Aims to Address City’s Housing Shortage

Still in its early stages, Mayor Adams’ proposed zoning text amendment aims to increase affordable housing in the city. On June 1, 2022, Mayor Adams announced his “City of Yes” plan consisting of three citywide zoning text amendments. One of these initiatives, “Zoning for Housing Opportunity,” addresses the city’s housing shortage. Although the text amendment has not yet been drafted, Mayor Adams listed four key housing proposals in his announcement.

Changes to Open Meetings Law Enable Hybrid Meetings But Present Ongoing Challenges

Community boards often do not have the same resources as City agencies to have hybrid hearings. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many changes on how state and city governments conducted business, including public hearings. New York’s Open Meetings Law was originally designed to promote transparency, requiring hearings to be held in person and open to the public, with notice about how to participate. After meetings went virtual due to the pandemic, discussions began about <Read More>

Government Leaders and Key Sponsors Celebrate Rebuilding of Crotona Park Soccer Field in the Bronx

The refurbished field will also be the site of ongoing youth soccer programming supported by the project’s sponsor, the UAE embassy. On Friday, May 20, 2022, the NYC Parks Department celebrated completion of the refurbishment of the Crotona Park soccer field in the Crotona Park East neighborhood of the Bronx. The project was originally announced by NYC Parks and Congress Member Ritchie Torres on December 7, 2021.

City Planning Releases Report on Equal Access to Waterfronts for New Yorkers

The Department of City Planning found that underserved communities do not have easy access to New York City’s waterfronts, and thus lose out on the benefits granted from waterfronts. On May 20, 2022, the Department of City Planning released a report and map detailing New Yorkers’ access to New York City waterfronts. The report, Assessing New Yorkers’ Access to Waterfronts, discussed the need for an increase in access to waterfronts, particularly for underserved communities. … <Read More>