Freshkills Park development moves forward

Proposed Plan for North Park. Image courtesy of New York City Department of Parks & Recreation

Parks needed Commission’s authorization to develop Phase 1 of Freshkills’ North Park. The City Planning Commission granted the Department of Parks and Recreation’s request for authorization to alter natural features in Staten Island to facilitate the development of Phase 1 of Freshkills Park’s North Park. Freshkills Park, described as a “natural wonder” by Chair Amanda M. Burden at a … <Read More>

City Council considers impact of Wal-Mart

Concerns about how big-box retailer would affect small businesses dominated hearing. On February 3, 2011, the City Council’s Community Development Committee, Small Business Committee, and Economic Development Committee held a joint oversight hearing to debate Wal- Mart’s impact on the local community if the big-box retailer opened a store in the City. The Council convened the hearing in response to Wal-Mart’s renewed campaign to open a store in the City. Community opposition caused Wal-Mart to … <Read More>

Sandy Ground designations

569 & 565 Bloomingdale Road. Image: Courtesy of LPC.

Four buildings date to 19th century community founded by African- American freedmen. On February 1, 2011, Landmarks celebrated the beginning of Black History Month by designating as landmarks four buildings in the Sandy Ground community of Rossville, Staten Island. Sandy Ground was established in the 19th century as one of the country’s earliest African-American freedmen communities. The community grew when African-American oystermen migrated from the Chesapeake … <Read More>

Rezoning of S.I. commercial corridors approved

Staten Island proposed new zoning. Image: courtesy NYC Department of City Planning.

Plan brings three separate commercial corridors into conformance with zoning regulations. On January 18, 2011, the City Council approved the Department of City Planning’s proposal to apply commercial overlays to three commercial corridors comprising 28 total blocks in Staten Island: Richmond Avenue from Victory Boulevard to Travis Avenue; Hylan Boulevard between Naughton and Seaver Avenues; and Hylan Boulevard between Richmond Avenue and Goodall … <Read More>

EDC seeks developer for new science facility

Sites for applied sciences academic campus include Brooklyn Navy Yard, Roosevelt Island, Governors Island, and Staten Island. The City’s Economic Development Corporation issued a request for expressions of interest from universities, applied sciences organizations, or related institutions regarding the development and operation of a new applied sciences research facility and academic campus in the City. According to EDC, the City is interested in a facility specializing in applied engineering, but it could provide additional programs … <Read More>

City must pay for paving private property

DOT paved over portion of Staten Island property owner’s land. Foxwood Forest Lenca LLC owned a 15,700 sq.ft. parcel of land abutting Forest Hill Road on Staten Island. The land was undeveloped, and the portion along Forest Hill Road consisted primarily of grass and other vegetation. In 2008, the Department of Transportation entered Foxwood’s property and paved over this grassy area. According to DOT’s borough commissioner, the paving was done to address unsafe roadway conditions … <Read More>