Waiver Granted to Build Housing Development on Unmapped Street

Seven of the proposed homes did not front on a legally-mapped street. On January 6, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant the applicant, Block 7092 LLC, a waiver to allow construction of seven residential buildings on an unmapped street.  The buildings are part of a development of twenty-four two-story, one- and two-family dwellings and one three-story, two-family home located at the intersection of Turner Street and Crabtree Avenue in Rossville, Staten … <Read More>

Mayor de Blasio Delivers State of the City Address

Affordable housing issues, including rent-regulation, mandatory inclusionary zoning, and more were highlighted in the speech.  On February 3, 2015 Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered his second State Of The City address from Baruch College.  The Mayor spoke at length about the affordable housing crisis facing New York City and the programs his administration has begun or will propose to address the problem.

Zoning Subcommittee Approves Sollazzo Plaza

Approval permits demolition of old farmhouse to make way for a shopping center.  On December 15, 2014 the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises voted unanimously to approve rezoning for portions of a block to permit the construction of a retail shopping center. The rezoned portion is bounded by Forest Avenue to the north, Monsey Place to the south, Richmond Avenue to the east, and P.S. 22 to the west.

Plans for Farm Colony Redevelopment Approved

Applicants presented design plans and greater detail, and revised plans for new clubhouse to better relate to historic buildings. On October 28, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve an application for binding and advisory reports for the redevelopment of the New York City Farm Colony-Seaview Hospital Historic District. The developers of the site are NFC associates, who plan to use the 45-acre site to create 350 units of housing for people aged … <Read More>

Redevelopment of Former Indigent Farm Community Proposed

Plan for former Farm Colony would entail the demolition five out of eleven historic structures in the district, create senior housing. On September 30, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application for the redevelopment of the New York City Farm Colony-Seaview Hospital Historic District, located in Staten Island in the Castleton area. The 45-acre property, which housed indigent and disabled New Yorkers in exchange for labor, operated roughly from 1898 to 1975, and … <Read More>

CityLand Recognizes New York City’s Labor History

Labor Day commemorates the history of the labor movement and the social and economic gains of workers in the United States.   New York City has been a location for many significant milestones of labor history.  We here at CityLand document the changes in New York City land use, but we would be remiss to ignore that behind every land use change is the hard labor of American workers, from demolition to construction and all points … <Read More>