St.Vincent’s wins final Landmarks approval


Rudin Management’s proposed townhouses and residential tower along West 11th Street. Image: FXFOWLE Architects.

After more than a year and nine meetings, Landmarks approved final component of St. Vincent’s plan. On July 7, 2009, Landmarks approved Rudin Management’s amended plan for the redevelopment of the St. Vincent’s Hospital complex into a residential development. The complex is located between Sixth and Seventh Avenues and West 11th and 12th Streets in the Greenwich Village Historic District. … <Read More>

Council Member Jessica Lappin on Landmarks, Public Siting, and Site Safety

Council Member Jessica Lappin represents Community District 5 in Manhattan, which includes parts of Midtown and the Upper East Side. She also chairs the Council’s Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Siting & Maritime Uses. A New York native and graduate of Stuyvesant High School and Georgetown University, Lappin was raised in a landmarked house in Gramercy Park. Well-regarded by preservation advocates, she has garnered accolades from the Friends of the Upper East Side and the Historic … <Read More>

Landmarks to change designation procedure

Landmarks must promulgate rules that encourage a more timely and transparent processing of landmark nominations. Upon receiving a Request for Evaluation, or an official landmark nomination submitted by the public, Landmarks’ Request for Evaluation Committee would screen the nomination to determine if further consideration was appropriate. If further consideration was warranted, the Committee would send the nomination, a photograph, a statement of significance, and the Committee’s recommendation to each Landmarks Commissioner for comment. When all … <Read More>

Two landmarks added in East Village

Wheatsworth Factory. Image:LPC.

Wheatsworth Factory and Public National Bank of NY designated for unique 1920s architecture. On September 16, 2008, Landmarks voted unanimously to designate the Wheatsworth Factory and the Public National Bank of New York Building as individual City landmarks. Built in the 1920s, both represent strains of 20th century European architecture rarely found in New York.

The Wheatsworth factory, at 444 East 10th Street, was built in 1927-28 by J. Edwin Hopkins as … <Read More>

Fred Bland approved as Landmarks commissioner

Architect will occupy Jan Pokorny’s seat. On September 4, 2008, the City Council Committee on Rules, Privileges & Elections approved Fred Bland as the newest member of Landmarks, filling a vacancy open since Jan Pokorny passed away on May 20th after serving on Landmarks for over a decade. Bland is an architect, currently a managing partner at Beyer Blinder Belle. Prominent projects by Bland include China’s Shanghai Cultural Plaza, the Mark Morris Dance Group … <Read More>

Morris Adjmi on Landmarks, Historic Districts, and Sustainable Architecture

Morris Adjmi knew from an early age that architecture would be his calling. At age five, he designed his first masterpiece: a pyramid of coffee tables and chairs covered with blankets. Just as his mother arrived for the unveiling, the pyramid fell to the floor and injured young Morris, striking him above the eye. Despite the initial setback, he was hooked. A native of New Orleans, he found an abundance of architecture, especially in the … <Read More>