City Planning Releases North Brooklyn Industry & Innovation Plan

The Department of City Planning released a comprehensive plan which seeks to update zoning and other land use strategies to stimulate spaces for new jobs and economic activity in the area. On November 19, 2018, the Department of City Planning released the North Brooklyn Industry & Innovation Plan which sets land use goals and tools for businesses in the area to promote growth and expansion. The Plan is part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s 10-point … <Read More>

Mayor Announces Long Island City Chosen to House New Amazon Headquarters

The project will bring tens of thousands of new jobs, billions in tax revenue, and investment in infrastructure, City says. On November 13, 2018, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that Amazon has selected Long Island City, Queens for one of its two new corporate headquarters. The City has been steadily increasing investment into Long Island City, with more than $2.4 billion of planned infrastructure investments and a recently announced $180 … <Read More>

Council Subcommittee Hears Proposal for Two Mixed-Use Towers in Long Island City

Community members voiced concerns about infrastructure and affordability for the proposed addition of almost 500 units. On September 17, 2018, the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises heard an application by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) for a proposed two-building mixed-use, mixed-income project on Jackson Avenue in Long Island City, Queens. The developers, Lions Group NYC, and Fetner Properties, also applied … <Read More>

Ballot Proposal Creates Commission To Assist With Community Board Land Use Guidance

Proposed Civic Engagement Commission would connect community boards with land use experts and training based on community board needs.  In February 2018, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a Charter Revision Commission. The Commission began holding public meetings in April. On September 4, 2018, the New York City Charter Revision Commission released its final report on its recommended charter amendments. The final report discussed several topics, including land use and community boards.