City defeats adverse possession claim

Trucking company fenced in and used City land that had been mapped as a City street. On July 27, 1967, the City condemned a parcel of land owned by the Filomio family and located at 3870 Boston Road in the Bronx. The City condemned the parcel, referred to as Damage Parcel 43, in order to complete a road expansion project. The family did not object to the taking and was compensated by the City. … <Read More>

Governor Announces Beginning of Construction of New Affordable Housing Development in Wakefield

The new building will be across the street from another affordable housing development recently approved by the City Planning Commission. On May 25, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul announced the beginning of construction for a new affordable and supportive housing development in the Wakefield section of the Bronx. The Plains will be located at 4519 White Plains Road between East 239th and East 240th Street. The development team consists of the Doe Fund and Robert Sanborn <Read More>

City Council Passes Package of Fire Safety Related Bills in Response to Twin Parks Fire

The bills aim to prevent the circumstances that took 17 lives from occurring again in the future. On May 19, 2022, the City Council voted to approve a package of five bills to improve fire safety and prevention measures in residences as part of the City’s response to the tragic Twin Parks high-rise fire which killed 17 people in the Bronx this past January. The fire was a result of a space heater, and the <Read More>

DCP Announces Walking Tours to Celebrate City’s Waterfront

On May 17, 2022, the Department of City Planning announced a new series of free events in May to celebrate the City’s waterfront. The celebration will culminate on Friday, May 20th (5/20) in honor of the 520 miles of waterfront across New York City. The celebration of the waterfront has run since 2017. In 2020 and 2021, events were virtual due to the safety concerns from the pandemic. This year, in-person events return to encourage <Read More>

City Planning Votes to Approve New Mixed-Use Affordable Building in Wakefield

Parking availability in the neighborhood had been a point of concern for the Community Board. May 11, 2022, the City Planning Commission voted to approve an application for a mixed-use residential and commercial building at 4541 Furman Avenue in the Wakefield section of the Bronx. The rezoning site is on a portion of the block bounded by East 240th Street, a line 300 feet north of East 239th Street to the south, White Plains Road <Read More>