Governor’s Office Announces $27 Million Available for Ida Relief for Undocumented New Yorkers

The program offers assistance to those who cannot qualify for federal relief. On September 26, 2021, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that $27 million will be available for relief from Hurricane Ida for undocumented New Yorkers. Undocumented New Yorkers who suffered from the historic flooding and storm damage are not eligible to receive storm recovery assistance through the FEMA Individual Assistance Program or other programs due to their undocumented status. The New York State Office for <Read More>

Mayor Appoints Gabrielle Fialkoff as New Parks Commissioner

Fialkoff recently served as the Senior Advisor for COVID Relief Efforts to the Mayor. On September 24, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Gabrielle Fialkoff as the new Commissioner of the Department of Parks and Recreation. She succeeds Acting Commissioner Margaret Nelson, who took the helm after former Commissioner Mitchell Silver stepped down earlier this summer. 

Conflicts Board Adopts New Rules on Post-Employment Restrictions and Gifts

On October 8, 2020, the Conflicts of Interest Board adopted new and important changes to its post-employment rules that restrict former City employees from contacting their former City agencies. The Board, in addition, on May 21, 2021, adopted rules relating to the acceptance of gifts by City employees in certain recurring situations. This article examines these new rules.

VIRTUAL EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 173rd CityLaw Breakfast with Michael Arad, Lead Designer of the 9/11 Memorial

Dean Anthony W. Crowell and

 Professor Ross Sandler, Director 

cordially invite you to the 173nd CityLaw Breakfast

Featuring Speaker

Michael Arad, Lead Designer of the 9/11 Memorial

Speaking On:

“The Design and Construction of the National 9/11 Memorial; Absence and Loss in the Life of New York City” 

Date: Friday, September 10, 2021

Even though the Center for New York City Law is unable to host our CityLaw Breakfast series in person at New York … <Read More>