City Council Committee Searches for Green Roof Standards and Impetus

City Council’s good faith attempt to provide standards for green roofs falls short. On October 28, 2016, the City Council’s Committee on Environmental Protection held a hearing regarding Introduction 0835-2015, which would amend the building code to establish standards for the selection, installation and maintenance of plants for green roof systems. The proposed legislation would incorporate into the building code a manual by the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM E 2400, which … <Read More>

Taxis: Yellow, Green and Black: Competition & Evolution

On a daily basis I am reminded that seemingly everyone loves to talk about taxis. Last year between the Daily News, the Post and Times, there were over 2,000 articles mentioning taxis, which transport about a million people a day – yet only about 3,000 articles mentioning subways which transport six-million people a day. Travelers and New Yorkers are clearly disproportionally obsessed with taxis.

Assuming that what people ask me is representative of what’s on … <Read More>

City Planning Sends Greenpoint Waterfront Developments Proposals to the Council

Large Greenpoint Developments, if approved, would produce over 1,400 housing units. On October 30, 2013, the City Planning Commission unanimously voted to approve two major mixed-use developments in Greenpoint, Brooklyn: Greenpoint Landing and 77 Commercial Street. Both projects would allow the City to fulfill commitments to affordable housing and public open space that it made during the 2005 Greenpoint-Williamsburg Rezoning. The 2005 Rezoning of nearly 200 blocks authorized the transformation of Greenpoint’s low-density manufacturing … <Read More>

City Planning Commission Holds Hearing for City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Zoning Text Amendment

On July 10, 2024, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity zoning text amendment. The text amendment is the third and final City of Yes amendment proposed by the Adams administration to address outdated provisions within the zoning code that hinder the growth of housing, the economy, and the use of green infrastructure and technology in New York City. 

City Council Votes to Approve the City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality Zoning Text Amendment

On December 6, 2023, the City Council voted to approve the City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality zoning text amendment. The amendment, the first of three proposed by the Adams administration last year, fixes outdated provisions within the zoning text that inhibit the growth and use of green infrastructure and technology in New York City. The zoning text, as is, could not accommodate many types of modern green infrastructure and technology, which did not exist <Read More>

City Planning Commission Votes to Approve “City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality”

On September 11, 2023, the City Planning Commission voted to approve the City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality zoning text amendment. The amendment is the first of the City’s three proposed City of Yes zoning text amendments to pass the City Planning Commission. The City of Yes amendments aim to remove or change outdated parts of the zoning text that hinder the development of housing, economic growth, or the implementation of green technology and infrastructure.