City Planning Commission considers new nine-story building in Tribeca East Historic District

Developer had already obtained Landmarks’ approval for building at 83 Walker Street in June 2011. On May 9, 2012, the City Planning Commission is reviewing Abra Construction’s proposal to build a nine-story residential building on a vacant lot at 83 Walker Street in the Tribeca East Historic District. The narrow, nine-unit building would be 100 feet and 11 inches tall with no setback. The lot’s C6-2A zoning regulations limit the maximum base height … <Read More>

Completed senior housing facility in Queens exceeded FAR; owner retroactively sought special permit

Buildings only caught architect’s FAR miscalculation after six-story facility was completed. On May 9, 2012, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Silvercrest Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation’s special permit request to legalize a six-story, 66,000 sq.ft. senior housing facility built next door to its existing five-story, 130,000 sq.ft. nursing home in Briarwood, Queens. In an effort to expand its campus, Silvercrest built a new six-story, 81-bed senior housing facility at 86-19 <Read More>

Mundane Items Make Zone Green Text Amendment Important

The City Council has approved Zone Green. This comprehensive zoning text amendment will enable energy efficient cutting-edge design and construction of both new and existing buildings.

During public debate of the proposal, wind turbines, green houses, and solar panels received much attention. These elements are emblematic of the green building movement; however, it is the more mundane aspects that will have the most far reaching impact on reducing our carbon footprint.

New York City’s … <Read More>

Planning Commission signs off on new nursing home in the Upper West Side

Community board argued that Commission should require Jewish Home Lifecare’s to seek special permit for new facility on West 97th Street. Jewish Home Lifecare, a health care provider for the elderly, planned to build a new 414-bed nursing home on West 97th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues in Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Jewish Home Lifecare operates a 514-bed facility at 120 West 106th Street. However, the building’s physical plant is outdated and … <Read More>

Text revisions offered to encourage energy efficiency

Proposal, dubbed the “Zone Green” initiative, would streamline implementation of energy-efficient retrofits for existing buildings and the construction of new green buildings. On February 29, 2012, the City Planning Commission heard testimony on the Department of City Planning’s “Zone Green” zoning text amendment. Planning is seeking to remove regulations that impede property owners from installing energy-saving retrofits in existing buildings and that discourage the development of new energy-efficient buildings. The proposal would broadly exempt from … <Read More>

Restaurant wins right to non-conforming use

Buildings had determined that legal non-conforming commercial use was discontinued for one condo despite presence of two other nonconforming businesses in building. The owner of a vacant commercial unit in the ground floor of a residential condominium at 25 Central Park West in Manhattan sought to occupy the space with an eating and drinking establishment. The building includes two other ground floor commercial condos. The vacant condo faces West 62nd Street and was occupied by … <Read More>