ULURP Remains Suspended, What Next?

Why did ULURP remain suspended when so many City agencies and public bodies took to virtual operations? On March 16, 2020, the Department of City Planning announced that, pursuant to an executive order from Mayor Bill de Blasio, the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure and all relevant public hearings and votes were suspended as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the suspension, Community Boards, Borough Presidents, and the City Council have virtually convened to … <Read More>

UPDATED: City to Implement Up to 100 Miles of Safe Streets

The plan will aim to add 100 miles of open streets, widened sidewalks and protected bike lanes. Note: This article has been updated to continuously reflect the added streets as those announcements are made. Please continue to check back for further updates.

On April 27, 2020, the Mayor’s Office announced a plan along with Council Speaker Corey Johnson to implement street closures, sidewalk widening, and the addition of bike lanes as part of the City’s <Read More>

City Announces Illegal Fireworks Task Force and July 4th Fireworks Celebrations

The Macy’s Fireworks announcement comes on the same day as the creation of an illegal fireworks task force. On June 23, 2020, Mayor de Blasio established a task force to investigate illegal fireworks sales following a large increase in complaints about the increase of illegal firework use across the City. All types of consumer fireworks are prohibited in New York City. 

Landmarks Approves Modified Plans for Kreischer House Senior Development

The modified design increased the visibility of the Kreischer Mansion on the site. On May 8, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for three actions to facilitate the development of a new senior housing complex, comprising of eleven buildings, surrounding the Kreischer House. The Kreischer House, a two and a half story Victorian-era mansion, and a portion of the land it sits on is a landmarked site in Charleston, … <Read More>

OATH Extends Physical Closure and Continues Telephonic Hearings [UPDATED]


OATH to continue virtual operations as COVID pandemic lingers. On April 7, 2020, Chief Administrative Law Judge, Hon Joni Kletter issued an administrative order continuing the temporary suspension and modification of laws related to the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City. The order directs that the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings’, the body responsible for adjudicating for all City agencies, remain physically closed until at least May 4, 2020. The Office of Administrative … <Read More>